How would you even find out? He was gay, so he would have made gay porn.

Excellent point. I wonder if Dahmer had a few of his videos stashed around the barrels for training aids. Jeffrey Dahmer was really excellent at killing because he was so terrible at being gay. You'd need to have your Liquid Plumber goggles on to be interested in him.
At this one place I worked the manager, while I wasn't there, hired a little fastidious Jewish NY actor guy to work security with us. I screamed at my manager when I saw what he produced. I gave the little guy the name CK1. The idiot thought I called him that because he smelled nice. The fucker's people killed our Messiah. He learned eventually why everyone laughed at him every time she showed his face.

This is what happens when a cobra raises his head while his body is not shielded by his Bible. Maybe some people should stick with memes and I was wrong. You see the claws on that serpent?!?

If this is our future I hope we don't all eventually turn into a pack of queer Scientologists like Vinnie Barbarino did. Medicine may be OK but you don't have to bite the pillow for Dr Fauci. Anybody remember Tom Ridge? I still have aluminum foil and duct tape I haven't done using to tie up corpses and tan their hides with. I remember being gouged having to pay $911 per roll for either roll also. Government weasels.

Confusion is the first step of psychological destabilization. And theeeee'eeeeeen he's in a cult. Good job there, Urban Brokeback Mountain Cowboy.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Boyo, you're on the crusade alright.

But that so-called Messiah, if having existed as described in the holy book of fairy tales, was a jew himself, aight?

So the way later appearing christians did not actually lose one of their own.


Just like The Iron Sheik, if I take a drug test and it comes out positive then that is good.

The Iron Sheik got called into Vince McMahon's office one time. He walks in then Vince says, "Khasrow, please take a seat." Then Vince says, "We just received the results of your drug test. It came out positive." Sheiky baby is all smiles then says, "Positive! That is good. Thank you for letting me know in person, Mr McMahon." Vince is used to this guy being a nincompoop and let's him know positive is bad. Iron Sheik becomes distressed then says, "But I was hanging out with this Snake Roberts. He must be positive too." Jake Roberts was the next person called in for a chat.

