What the crap???


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
As sp many are fascinated with our german world (and beyond) domination, here you are...

Was Roswell UFO Crash A Secret Nazi Aircraft?

The Roswell, New Mexico, UFO crash of 1947 was the result of — here it comes, wait for it — top secret Nazi technology. No alien spacecraft, no alien bodies, but an aircraft called the “Bell” (depicted above from a 2008 Discovery Channel documentary).



To be sure, it’s questionable what actually happened in the outskirts of that small town 67 years ago. But it’s also questionable if this film will ever see the light of day.

At least, here’s the most truthful thing known about the incident: Something came out of the sky in July 1947 and crashed on a ranch near Roswell. But what that “something” was has become a nearly 70-year-old legend.

Everything from extraterrestrial spacecraft to weather balloon to military high altitude device for spying on Soviet nuclear testing has been offered for the identity of the crashed object.

And now, the film, supposedly called “UFOs and the Third Reich,” is promoting another theory: A 10-foot-wide, 12-foot-high, anti-gravity, bell-shaped craft, combining rocket and helicopter technology, created by Nazi Germany, fell into the hands of the U.S. in 1943, who further developed the project. An alleged test of the Bell resulted in its crash, which became the event that started the Roswell UFO saga.

Stories about the Nazi Bell have cropped up in the UFO literature for many years, including Discovery Channel’s 2008 “Nazi UFO Conspiracy.”


As sp many are fascinated with our german world (and beyond) domination, here you are...


If I can be serious for a moment I gotta say that's totally fucking awesome. Hybrid Alien Nazis using a modified prototype Volkswagen Beetle to make into a spaceship that's both blessed by the Pope and Christened by Hitler to attack America on the 4th of July 1947. Something goes wrong as it falls from the sky like a turd and lands somewhere in a field in Oklahoma where a young Chuck Norris is the first person who witnesses the crashed ship. The first martian jabronie walks out of the wreck, dusts himself off, turns around without looking, and is welcomed to America by the bottom of Young Norris' Cowboy boot. Superman shows up to take custody of the Hybrid Alien Nazis and loads them into a school bus then drives them to be transferred to the gov't only raping the Hybrid Alien Nazis just a few times when he pulled over to the side of the road before finally completing his patriotic mission. Then some other shit happens that I haven't figured out here while I sit on the toilet.

Nazis and Aliens may both have their own unique cool factors but if you combine them you could have magic in a bottle like with Nazi Zombies in films like Dead Snow.




"Internalized conflict externalized as war
Hymning thy rebellion Lucifer morning star
Bringer of light, forever shrouded by night
I am hell, a sulphurous lake of fire and suffering
My blackened heart is a writhing mass of poisonous snakes
Grotesquely slithering as I slowly shed my dying skin

In darkness
Thou shalt come unto me
In darkness
Thou shalt worship me
In darkness
Thou art mine eternally

Thy curse
All of my lies
Be blessed
Lord of the flies
Shunned and despised
My church is my sacrifice
Follow after me into the halls of my damnation
I wield death like a scythe, reaping my annihilation
A monarch enthroned upon my throne of guilt
I am hell, a barren shrine to decay and neglect
Uninhabitable, the darkened depths of cold empty space
My necropolis, the catacombs and tombs of disease
Monumental, the fallen temple of dead deities
My necrolog, an eternal curse lost in the abyss

Et vidi de mare bestiam ascendentem
Habentem capita septem et cornua decem
Et super cornua eius decem diademata et super capita eius nomina blasphemiae
Synagoga Satanae
Lucifuge Rofocale

Absoluter Höllenzwang
Mein infernaler Opfergang
Ein auferstanden Ungetier
Festgenagelt tief in mir

Ich allein bin mein
Ein nichts
Verdorben mein Name
Mein Leid mein Reich
Mein Wille mein Fluch
Über mich und außer mir
Täglich hungert mein Leib
Und dürstet meine Seele aufs Neue
Ich trage die Schuld
Wie ich ertrage die Beschuldigungen
Ich bin in Versuchung
Und kenne keine Erlösung
Denn mein ist das Leid
Die Wut
Und das Streben
Bis zum Tod


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Interesting, how this clown stalks me. I wonder, what he is flooding these threads with.

Well, I aint looking, Ignore is a great thing.

What a sad creature he is