I took Lac3y for a walk in Lorenzi Park a few minutes ago. She charged after the ducks, as she is wont to do, and she took a fairly good-sized dump as we were getting ready to leave. I went to look for a bag and when I got back there was a black EDP (emotionally disturbed person) hovering over the area where she had just pooped, with his pants down. I was a little confused and thought maybe he was gonna ask me to pick up his poop, too. But no. It was worse. Much worse.
He hiked up his pants when I said "WTF?!?" and stepped away from the pile. I stooped down to pick up Lac3y's leavings and as I was getting ready to throw it in the nearest trash can he asked, "You want me to swallow that?"
"Nah thanks, man. That's disgusting." And I walked as quickly as possible to the parking lot. Another guy was walking his dog and I absolutely had to relay that story just as a caution to him.
So weird.
I think I found Baconsalt.