I'll bet my left nut, this guy got pulled over by a cop, and hit with an "unsecured load" ticket, and decided to say fuck you, in a meaningful, and special way. I applaud his sense of style and flair.
He has the perfect voice and delivery for Pigeon. I like "Your pretty face is going to hell", too....some of the shit they put on tv is really just fucked up.
AT LT Colonel Ralph Peters and Half 'n' Half Stacey Dash besmirch our limp-wristed hermaphrodite Prez really pushing his shit in way up past his lungs.
He has the perfect voice and delivery for Pigeon. I like "Your pretty face is going to hell", too....some of the shit they put on tv is really just fucked up.
Neon Joe: Werewolf Hunter is on my RADAR now. I started watching and they killed Paul Rudd in the first two minutes of the first episode. And Neon Joe collected pube samples from everyone in town to compare to werewolf pubes left at a crime scene. If they can top that I'm going to enjoy the shit outta this program.