50 years at Mcdonalds!

Indeed. If that is what he enjoyed, awesome! I don't care. I mean, he obviously made a living off of working there. I wonder what kind of raises and benefits he accumulated while working there for 50 years though.

Hope he has another 25 years working there :D
Indeed. If that is what he enjoyed, awesome! I don't care. I mean, he obviously made a living off of working there. I wonder what kind of raises and benefits he accumulated while working there for 50 years though.

Hope he has another 25 years working there :D

I was thinking the same thing. Back when he started minimum wage was probably 2 bucks so we know he got at least 5 dollars or raises over the years.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Something like this, is a priceless PR opportunity for a corporation like that. If they're smart, they'll take care of this guy, it's virtually impossible to get this kind of loyalty in a high profile, big salary job, let alone a fast food chain.
:hatsoff: to him. I did five months in a fast food joint over twenty years ago. It took six months to get the smell of grease off of me. But hey if you like what you are doing then you never work a day in your life.:glugglug:


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I worked at McD's for about 5 years though highschool and college. As soon as I turned 18 I was made a manager and by the time I left I had trained 2 assistant managers, was in charge of the morning deposits, as well as payroll and a bunch of other things (and had to train 2 more managers just to take over everything I was doing LOL). On top of that, my franchise created a scholarship program for managers at my store manager's request. It was only $500 a quarter but that paid for books and supplies.

So while people may look down on people that work at McDonalds, and some stores are incredibly crappy, overall it's a great oppertunity to learn real life business skills if you have the ambition to move up. And even then, some people are honestly happy working there.


Postal Paranoiac
I was with Wendy's for more than a year, and I thought it was hell.
I've never understood why McJobs are so looked down upon. Everyone I've talked to who works there always has high praise for the way the take care of their employees in terms of training, career progression, etc.

This guy is living proof that McDonald's really is a good place to work.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I wonder what they gave him for it - A free happy meal :nanner:

Heh. Well, going from my experience, I'm sure there was some big event at the store to recognize the guy...and I'm almost 100% sure the corperate office did something for him as well.

I've never understood why McJobs are so looked down upon. Everyone I've talked to who works there always has high praise for the way the take care of their employees in terms of training, career progression, etc.

This guy is living proof that McDonald's really is a good place to work.

Exactly, I only have good things to say about the store I worked at, the people I worked under, and the franchise owners. Hell, even the people from the corperate office that dealt with our area were awesome.

Oh sure, there were times it wasn't all that great (like the coke syrup tank exploding on me or having to deal with certain customers/crew) but overall I can look back fondly on it and I wouldn't hesitate to go back working there if I absolutely had to.
The story doesn't give much away, but is he still serving?

If so, you would have thought being there 50 years he'd at least be cooking the burgers now or the CEO or something.... :dunno:
Apparently he does not eat the food either, or else he would not have lived this long to reach the 50 year mark! lol

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Apparently he does not eat the food either, or else he would not have lived this long to reach the 50 year mark! lol


Congrats to this guy. If he's happy and he enjoys what he does, I envy him! :hatsoff:
This guy can probably name off the entire menu, every ingredient in each item, and how much of one ingredient goes into making one item.