50 years at Mcdonalds!


what the fuck you lookin at?
After working there for 50 years, I'd hope he's still not running register! :eek:
Maybe he has really old parents that he's also lived with the last 50 years so he could actually survive on a McDonalds income. :1orglaugh
I worked at McD's for about 5 years though highschool and college. As soon as I turned 18 I was made a manager and by the time I left I had trained 2 assistant managers, was in charge of the morning deposits, as well as payroll and a bunch of other things (and had to train 2 more managers just to take over everything I was doing LOL). On top of that, my franchise created a scholarship program for managers at my store manager's request. It was only $500 a quarter but that paid for books and supplies.

So while people may look down on people that work at McDonalds, and some stores are incredibly crappy, overall it's a great oppertunity to learn real life business skills if you have the ambition to move up. And even then, some people are honestly happy working there.

Hey I remember you!!.. You were on one of their cups werent you :D



Congrats to this guy. If he's happy and he enjoys what he does, I envy him! :hatsoff:

You make a great point, Rey, I'm trying to think back to what exactly inspired the belittling of the Mcdonalds employee, was it a film ? the uniform ... or maybe that crazy pedophile clown that they eventually phased out. :dunno:
Serious now, All Work Is Honorable so long as it involves legal legitimate trade, IMO. It's getting hopeless today with some of these punks who walk around with their pants fallin down thinking that the world owes them "a break today" and every day for that matter, and I'm not talking about a free super sized fries kind of break, I'm talking about how they think that they are somehow above it all and don't need to work. Yea ? well :bs: !

As "ThatRedWing" stated ever so articulately in the "what don't you like" thread :

People who are buying cheap ass beer at 1:30 am on a Monday, bitching about not being able to find a good job. Sober up and get off your ass fuck wad!

I like it ! You can rep TRW here Post # 102 . :wave2:
It's all about finding whatever makes you happy, but sweet holy fuck, 50 years of smelling fry grease and "burgers"?! I think I'd go nuts after a year or two......still, good for him. :thumbsup:
I have been to a McDonald's.Once.Then I realised I preferred good food.
I just wonder what all those people who go regularly are used to!