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5 Fun Facts About You : )

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
I always like to know random tidbits of information about people : ) We all have something interesting to share. So post 5 random facts about yourself that we wouldn't otherwise know. Here are mine:

1. Before I was a model, I had a dog walking and pet sitting service. It was when I still lived in So. Cal and I actually had a couple of celebrity clients. I scooped more poop than any one person should ever have to in their life!

2. One of my biggest pet peeves is people who don't return their shopping cart to the cart corral. It makes me so full of rage!

3. My father was a professional clown for most of my childhood and teen years.

4. I can leg press 600 pounds. Probably more if I tried again today.

5. I will not eat bacon. Ever. I love pigs and think of them as friends, not food. Turkey bacon sucks.
I don't know about funny, but here goes for something random:

1. Pretty much all jeans I wear are black.. I'm such a fashionist...

2. Usually when I log in to browse freeones, I'm killing some time here while cooking some food.

3. I've belonged to specific non-racial minority of people since I was a little kid running around, but that's something people aren't likely to figure out without asking.

4. Lot of people have defined me as a very calm person, but they haven't seen me roll and my friends don't understand a shit when I start to blabber out random jokes...

5. I go to sauna around 1-2 times a week and relax there around one hour...
1. My hobbies are fast cars and fast women. That's why the guys in my car club call me "The Cruiser." (just kidding)


1. Animal lover. As a kid, whenever I came across any hurt animal I'd take it to this local animal rescue shelter. They'd rehab it then call me down to watch them release it if it was wild.

2. Would eat chinese food every day of my life if I could.

3. Habitual speeder. But have an uncanny knack of avoiding speeding tickets.

4. Had a really good outside jumpshot in HS but wasn't able to dunk a basketball til my senior year.

5. Read the Lord of the Rings when I was 9. I didn't understand what was with all that elvish crap but kept reading it anyways. It's Lord of the Rings.
I'll bite. I'm pretty boring though.

1) I was a late starter. I didn't have my first girlfriend of any kind until 19 and first serious girlfriend (with regular sex, The L Word, living together etc) until 23. Various burns of my own and disasters that I've witnessed my friends have, have left me pathologically incapable of putting myself out there, risking further pain or trusting someone again, and resigned to being single for the rest of my life, by the age of 31. Which makes me feel less guilty about how much time I spend on porn.

2) I am a geek for comics (especially Transformers/X-Men) and sci-fi (especially Star Trek Next Gen). My prized possessions include my Blue Lantern Corps t-shirt and my Mint In Box Japanese 20th Anniversary Re-issue Predaking gift set, and I once dressed as Batman for Children In Need - accompanied by Catwoman, Supergirl and, umm, a giant chicken. I also consider the best pieces of casting in cinema history to be Karl Urban as Bones in the Star Trek reboot film and [NOBABE]Ryan Reynolds[/NOBABE] as Hal Jordan in The Green Lantern. I am reasonably gay for Reynolds and will die unfulfilled if he never gets to make that Deadpool film.

3) I went out with a girl for four years that I met online.... on a Pokemon newsgroup, if you can imagine that.

4) I take to languages somewhat naturally. I can cope in conversational German or French despite having had little practice in the last 15 years, and I can order beers in six languages, because I think it's always useful.

5) I have to eat everything in a certain order. Jaffa Cakes are eaten by chocolate, then cake, then orange bit. Twix is always caramel then biscuit. My Sunday roast is always veg, then potatoes, then meat. If I have a curry with rice, I have to eat all the sauce and veg with rice before I move onto the chunks of meat. If my dessert comes with ice cream on the side, I will eat the ice cream first and then the main part of the sweet. People look at me real strange when I eat a Snickers in public.

Merii Kurisumasu!


Closed Account
1. I know how to crochet
2. I will not eat cold cheese
3. I can move my little toes seperately from my other toes as one does their little finger from the other fingers
4. In kindergarten, I would go to a second grade class for reading and prekindergarten to learn how to interact with fellow students.
5. I have my pilot's license and enjoy flying. But otherwise have issues with heights
1-I enjoy photography. Specifically landscapes, nature and buildings. It's peaceful and you're the director, in a way.
2-I respect the thoughts and ideas of those who have differences with me. It's a great way to make a lot of friends.
3-I'm what you could call a civil war buff. I even donate to the Civil War Trust, to save the battlefields. It not only preserves the environment, it helps teach history and honors those who perished at each respective battlefield.
4-I smoke weed once a day. I like it.
5-I was all-conference football in high school. Albeit the school and conference were small, but I held my own and really enjoyed playing.

Austin Morgan

Official Checked Star Member
1. I was born in Dublin, Ireland and am working on my dual citizenship.
2. I am also half Puerto Rican.
3. I drink alot (see one and two).
4. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 19. Then I found out I really like sex.
5. I lived in Munich for a year and a half. I speak enough German to get around (hehe) but not hold an entire conversation. Even though I took 4 years in high school and 3 in college. Need to work on my vocab.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
1. Never ask me to paint anything. Always a disaster.

2. For as many years that I have been involved in horse racing, I have never ridden one, driven in sulky, or pulled in any sort of wagon. I have only pet one once.

3. I love wearing ties and own over 100 of them.

4. I have never sent a text message.

5. When invited to a guest's house I need to bringing something. When I ask what to bring and they say nothing, I can't accept that. Even from family. A bottle or 6 pack. A pizza. A bag chips. Ice. A pack of cigarettes. Milk. ANYTHING! PICK SOMETHING! It might be an obsessive compulsive thing that is just me since I do not expect this from guests to my house in any way.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
OK, I'll play....

1) I cannot stand to eat cold fruit. It needs to be close to room temperature or I just don't want it.

2) I am obsessive about time. Every clock in my house is set to EXACTLY the same and, according to the USNO, correct current time.

3) I was a radio deejay for a few years when I was in my 20s and 30s. Fun, but the pay is shit unless you make it big. I didn't.

4) I have never watched a single episode of Survivor, American Idol or Dancing With the Stars. Never will, I hope.

5) I have at least set foot in every state in the USA, including Alaska and Hawaii.


nada funny bout me, but 5 facts

number 1 i'm a fucking asshole
number 2 i have a very bad temper
3 i only eat meat
4 i make cum my cock everyday
5 it would seem that i'm crazy (some people tell so i guess they rights :dunno:)

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
3. My father was a professional clown for most of my childhood and teen years.

5. I will not eat bacon. Ever. I love pigs and think of them as friends, not food.
That explains a lot! :rolleyes:

Okay just kidding. I wouldn't know what those could explain. Just tried to be funny. Sorry. But in fact, I don't like clowns and LOVE bacon.

5. When invited to a guest's house I need to bringing something. When I ask what to bring and they say nothing, I can't accept that. Even from family. A bottle or 6 pack. A pizza. A bag chips. Ice. A pack of cigarettes. Milk. ANYTHING! PICK SOMETHING! It might be an obsessive compulsive thing that is just me since I do not expect this from guests to my house in any way.
You can come to my place and bring pizza. Then you can leave again. :)


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
1. I can't walk in heels. Never have, never will.

2. I grew up on a big plot of land in the country in WA state that had an apple orchard and until I was the age where it was no longer cute and bringing in the sales, my mother would make me sit on the corner and sell boxes of apples. Don't feel too sorry for me, I made bank on the "tips" she didn't know about.

3. When I first started working at McDonalds, I was a "Ronald Ranger" (i.e indoor playland attendant) and a birthday party hostess. My shifts in the playland and parties were so popular, parents would tip me (and my store manager was cool enough to let me keep the tips). Even after I became shift manager I had about 15 regulars that would keep booking me for parties. I was the most expensive party host in that chain ever I think.

4. By the time I moved out of my parents house and across the country, I had something like 500 Breyer model horses. Last year I put them back in their original boxes and donated the entire lot, save for a few special editions I couldn't let go of, to the Wishing Star Foundation. A few months later there was a house fire in the area and an autistic girl's collection of horses was melted in the fire. Wishing Star asked my permission to give a bunch of the models to her since I had many that were in her collection.

5. When I was 5 or 6 years old, my Aunt was stationed in California. Her, my mother and grandmother decided to go to Tijuana for the day and dragged myself and my cousin along. I remember 2 things. I wasn't allowed to have ice in my orange soda and my cousin was, and the taxi ride back to the boarder. Someone hailed a cab and when the doors were opened, there were only 2 bolted down seats. The drivers and passenger. My mother called shotgun and my aunt and grandma had to sit in lawn chairs with my cousin and I between their knees on milk crates. The taxi driver offered a tour for 50 cents and my mother took it. I can remember that it was a 50mph tour and holding on to my mother's neck for dear life as lawn chairs and milk crates slid side to side in the back.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Sorry missed the 10 minutes. A moderator (Do we still have one?) can merge my posts.

Okay, well, I don't think I could even come up with 5 "interesting" or "fun" facts about me. I'm rather boring.

And the one biggest "secret" about me...I won't tell cause I'm to ashamed to...

4. Then I found out I really like sex.
5. I lived in Munich for a year and a half. I speak enough German to get around (hehe) but not hold an entire conversation. Even though I took 4 years in high school and 3 in college. Need to work on my vocab.
Ich liebe dich. Willst du mit mir schlafen? :D Oh I'm so smooth. :cool: :lame:

1. I can't walk in heels. Never have, never will.

Ha, I imagine you'd fall forwards, because of your huge knockers. :D


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
5 things Maggie Green doesn't want you to know about her.

1. Always takes up 2 parking places.

2. Uses cheap laundry detergent.

3. Will only buy wine with screw off caps.

4. Can't name the 4 members of The Beetles.

5. Suspended from 6th grade for an incident involving a science project competition.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
1) Horror & Metal Nerd
2) If it's after 4PM I'm probably stoned
3) Slave to Cheeseburger commercials
4) Rarely answers the telephone
5) Sees this one Asian lady prostitute way too often(Hi Lemon Drop)


Staff member
I used to take theater and cinema courses during five years to improve my verbal and oral communication skills. I often played in theatrical comical plays much more than in dramatic theatre plays and the end of the show, I couldn't resist to have a huge and very loud laugh

I am sometimes too much obsessed with time and to be on time that I either wear two watches or that I check my cell phone to see if my mechanical watch is keeping accurate time

I have had huge laughs and some very sweet conversations with some nice dutch hookers back in 2007/2008 in the redlight district of Amsterdam. One of them used to put her 34ddd tits into my face as a hello

Was nicknamed by some work colleagues the "Pittbull" due to my extreme tenacity in my job. I don't bite :laugh:

I have been single since late 2006 and I had before a relationship which lasted from 2003 to 2006, my ex and I split because we had huge disagreements many times and we both had very strong tempers. I haven't found till yet my other half because most of the women I have encountered are very venal and care more about money than genuine feelings but perhaps I am too demanding.
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1. I have massive trouble remembering dates. I was about fifteen or sixteen before I could remember the year I was born in. I've nailed down Christmas and Halloween, but most other holidays I have no clue when they are to this very day.

2. Light hurts my eyes, less now that it used to, as such when I was younger I did everything I could to avoid the sun. So while I'm naturally pretty pale, I was basically ashen back in the day. Also, before I got braces my incisors stuck out a little like fangs. In grade school a kid that hated me actually managed to convince some of the dumber children I was a vampire.

3. I used to know far, far too much about Star Wars and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but time, alcohol and minor narcotics have washed a lot of that away. Now I probably just know far too much.

4. If I start reading a book I have to finish it. Doesn't matter how much I hate that book, if I start it I have to finish it before moving onto a new book. It's like a compulsion. Someone recommended a novel to me I absolutely hated once, to the point that I literally threw it across the room no less than twice. I still finished it. It took me months to trudge through it, but eventually I managed to get it done and move onto other significantly less painful books.

5. "Flabbergast" is one of my favorite words, and I wish things shocked me more often just so I could use it more.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
1. I have the absolute worst sense of direction. I don't know why. Even in my home city, I use my GPS constantly.
2. I cannot stand to have anything near my eyes. Doesn't matter what it is. I can't wear contacts because of this. I wear glasses because I have an irrational fear that something will explode near me, and I'll be blinded.
3. Every book, movie, and video game in my house is organized alphabetically. I also organize my shirts by color and sleeve length.
4. I coach a very successful youth baseball program. We are 108-9 over the past three years and have appeared in two Pony World Series, finishing second last year.
5. I've been a bowler my entire life. My average is around 205, and I have one perfect game. I still bowl in a league every week.
1. I have no inner voice of reason and hardly any emotions.
2. I'm terrified of closed shower curtains.
3. Spanish food is my weakness, or middle eastern.
4. I once predicted a terrorist attack.
5. Nymphomanic and massochist is how I roll.