5 Charged in Gang Rape of 7 Year old...


Member, you member...
This is the stuff that proves that people will always be evil.

Will E Worm



Society, can we ever find our happy medium ? we're either too prudish or too much off the charts evil, violating, bloodthirsty and self indulgent . . . . bummer



Hiliary 2020
This is the stuff that proves that people will always be evil.
or at least half the population of Trenton.

c'mon , there will always be bad people, dangerous people.
but speaking about the usa, why do we suppose bad people seem to be growing in numbers each day?

find the answer to that and you can find the solution........find the solution and it can be administered, but that aint gonna happen.........

........So lock up your daughter
And lock up your wife
Lock your back door
And run for your life

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
or at least half the population of Trenton.

c'mon , there will always be bad people, dangerous people.
but speaking about the usa, why do we suppose bad people seem to be growing in numbers each day?

find the answer to that and you can find the solution........find the solution and it can be administered, but that aint gonna happen.........

........So lock up your daughter
And lock up your wife
Lock your back door
And run for your life

It's not just America, my friend. Europe has its fair share of sick fucks also. :(
Kids are darndest things. :rolleyes:

trenton new jersey?
how could this happen in such a nice Polish and Italian/American community?

Trenton is a damn disgrace, from what I hear (certainly not like it used to be decades ago, much like my hometown).

I found this tidbit from the last link you posted in related news:

Dad Guilty of Executing Son for Molesting His 3 Year Old Sister

It's not just America, my friend. Europe has its fair share of sick fucks also. :(

You have no idea how bad it is in India and Africa. I hear there are prositution houses with pre-teens in India;and Africa, it's a bloody fucking mess. Google: Lagos crime.


Just when I think nothing can shock me...damn.
Fuck those bastards. There is no justice if they all don't spend the rest of their lives in prison, including that cunt of a sister.

Timely and appropriate avatar to go with your post count, Poppa :glugglug:

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
IMO The animals responsible, guilty, and found too be associated with this crime deserve too be castrated. Death is the easy way out and way too forgiving, although death is the ultimate price for a sinners crime, I think in this case Death is the easy way out, these animals should suffer eternal pain for life, just like that this poor 7 yr old girl who will be mentally fucked for the rest of her life, I say castrate them and then serve them up too fend for themselves in in the state penitentiary gen. pop. section of the facility.

I usually have a good and fair sense of justice, but I don't even know where too start with the step sister? :dunno: that's just so fucked, I don't know how too punish her? and NOT too add insult too injury and cast blame on the family/parents of these two young girls, but where the fuck were they when they let there 15 & 7 yr old daughters wandering the unsafe crime ridden neighborhood more than likely @ night too boot, associating with a bunch of ignorant classless animals??? you know unfortunately when things like this come too light, nothing really surprises me anymore, but this incident is just despicable. :mad::cussing:
Despicable crime. This type of shit happens all over the world, you just don't hear about it unless it hits your front door.
Glad to see they are catching some of these scumbags.
This is why I could not be a cop; as I was arresting these pieces of shit I would probably beat them to death with my mag lite.
I hope they get the treatment they deserve in general population.:nannerf1:

I agree. The death penalty would be too easy for these bums. They need to put put into the general population of a hardcore prison for life. Spending the next few decades as someone's wife would be just punishment for a crime like this.