4 Year Old : You step on my foot, I'll . . . .

Two random thoughts.

How long of a 'time out' do you give a 4 year old who shot someone?

When guns are outlawed...only ticked off 4 year olds will have guns.


what the fuck you lookin at?
You are right and some traditional beating would be a good punishment but you know what happens if you do that.

Yea kids straighten the fuck up! At least when I got my ass beat as a kid I knew I fucked up and I'd better not do it again or the next time its a harder beating. Not beating like abuse, but I had my hide tanned a few times!

Kids nowadays need discipline. They have NONE! Fucking hell, this 4 y/o could have killed the kid. Then what? I bet your tone would be a whole hell of a lot different then! Maybe next time the one getting shot won't be so lucky as to just get injured.

I think the reason kids today have little to no discipline is because parents are to afraid to spank their kids. A little whining to the school principle is all it takes and viola a full on investigation into child abuse. Its ridiculous and its the main reason people don't spank their kids. Time outs don't work, they never did for me. And who cares if a kid gets sent to their room. Kids these days can live for days without ever leaving their room and be fully entertained in the process.

I dunno what punishment should be inforced on this kid. A good solid spanking for starters yes! Absofuckinloutly! How else is he gonna start to learn what he did was wrong and potentially life threatening? The parents should be brought up on something as well.

I dunno, I just know this shit pisses me off when a fuckin child gets away with shit like this. If he were a teen he'd be thrown in jeuvy no questions asked. An adult, attempted murder. But a 4 y/o..."bad boy" psh, fuckin seriously? Give me a break :thefinger


Hiliary 2020
I still want to know how they know he loaded it himself.
this story is bull shit. " oh look, baby joey is loading the shotgun, whats he gonna do next?".
it didn't happen like that, or extremely unlikely to have.

And how much does a 4 year old weigh? firing a shotgun would have tossed him across the room, maybe broke some bones or internal injuries.


I'm thinking that the 20 gauge shotgun involved here, was a simple, single shot shotgun. There's nothing difficult about it, nothing to cycle, just drop / split the hinged barrel / receiver, pop in a shell, of which there are likely to be several, in his dad's top desk drawer, and you're ready to blast.

Chances are that the kid has been out in the field with his dad and gun on numerous occasions in the past.
Kids can be very perceptive, they absorb all kinds of stuff . . .like loading a 20 gauge shotgun.
Damn permissive justice system letting that 4 yr old off with no charges.:rolleyes:

But lets see ,you leave a shotgun in just the closet,not a gun safe and ammo for it in an unlocked drawer where your 4 yr old can get both and use them to shoot someone.I will go out on a limb and say the parent should be charged as if he had done the shooting himself. Eithier that or all babysitters should be given right to carry permits so we can have living room shoot outs. :eek:

Yes, flip the couch over and then dive behind it and start blind firing across the room :cool:
I have to agree ...

I'm fucking amazed that a 4 year old has the capacity to, not only think like that, but knew where the gun and ammo was, and was capable of loading, and possibly cycling the round into the chamber. The parents are very much responsible for this, if they left a weapon unlocked in the house with ANY minor, they are negligent, but more over, if this kid knew how to handle a weapon, but was never taught the extreme consequences of not respecting that responsibility, they are criminal in that negligence.
I have to completely agree with this two statement combination that raises a lot of questions.

How did the kid know how to handle the weapon?

While I'm all for minors knowing how to respect firearms, 4 years old is too young. The majority of kids that age are still learning right from wrong and, as the result of this situation is that he definitely did not! That's on the parents.

Or more directly yet, the parents made the weapon available to a child that could not respect it, regardless of whether or not they taught him how to use it. The results of the child's actions speak for themselves, and the parents are negligent!

This is a clear case where the parents failed to be responsible with their civil liberties, and are now liable for the consequences of that negligence.

I think one of the most important things that needs to be asked here is, how and what was this child exposed to, that would make him choose this extreme violence as a way to settle a far from life threatening situation, and where there any signs that this child was starting to exhibit any type of anti-social behavior towards other small children, or animals, and also was this child from a violent home? Did he regularly see his parents fighting, and using violent behavior towards each other, or neighbors and other strangers, or non-family members. There is no excuse for what he did, but he did it, not the gun, and he very well may have used another weapon if a gun wasn't available. I hope there are some explanations given for all of this when its finally over and done with.
Yep, in addition to the liability questions, we now have a child that likely has no idea what he just did, or at least not the full extent. How did it come to this?

Post of the week IMHO -- great job!
Maybe his dad is like that clown who named his daughter "Aryan Nation" and his son "Adolf Hitler". :rofl2:

or perhaps the father is a member of the 18 streeters or ms13 or even bloods or crips which is as bad as well.
It is the first time I hear a such thing but I wouldn't be astonished if the father of the family in question was related to gang or criminal activities in the past and lives in a shitty ghetto or in a very average suburb where there are low renting costs. Most of kids whose one of parents are in gangs see how their dad uses and cleans the gun. The kids is sometimes invited by the father to shoot with his gun and the father tells him a tale about how he killed a bad guy because he wasn't from his gang. I am suspecting this is what happened.
There is never a gun safe at these people's homes and their firearms are either stolen and/or illegal.


Closed Account

Thanks for posting the link Bail & letting a certain ignorant poster know that Jackson Ohio is a quiet rural area(99.19% White) which is not overrun by Mexican/Black gangs like this consistently xenophobic poster has ignorantly imagined.

View the link. I doubt whether William Crisp(the 4 year olds father in the video) is MS13/Bloods/Crips,etc...... Just an average looking father living in a mobile home):


Astounding how someone is so grossly ignorant of a subject can answer with such authority about Mexican gangs & what they teach their kids.
Thanks for posting the link Bail & letting a certain ignorant poster know that Jackson Ohio is a quiet rural area(99.19% White) which is not overrun by Mexican/Black gangs like this consistently xenophobic poster has ignorantly imagined.

View the link. I doubt whether William Crisp(the 4 year olds father in the video) is MS13/Bloods/Crips,etc...... Just an average looking father living in a mobile home):


Astounding how someone is so grossly ignorant of a subject can answer with such authority about Mexican gangs & what they teach their kids.

How did I know that it had to be at a trailer park? :dunno:


Closed Account
How did I know that it had to be at a trailer park? :dunno:

:1orglaugh I wouldn't doubt if this kid has seen adults play with guns before or has been ecouraged to in the past or what ,but a kid to get offended because someone steps on his shoes is unfathomable.:dunno:

Whoever left the gun within the kids range is responsible for this incident, but that kid is gonna need help if this is true. I still believe there is more to the story ,but a 4 year old can't really defend himself.

Who knows what the teenage babysitters have done & trying to cover it up. Speechless.
That babysitter shoulda' watched where he wuz steppin'
Respect this.
Babies be dangerous - no consequences, no problems.
Street nasty.


Notorious B.I.G.- Respect Lyrics

Then came the worst date, May 21st
2:19, that's when my momma water burst
No spouse in the house so she rode for self
to the hospital, to see if she could get a little help
Umbilical cord's wrapped around my neck
I'm seein' my death and I ain't even took my first step
I made it out, I'm bringin' mad joy
The doctor looked and said, "He's gonna be a Bad Boy"


Peep duckin' cops on the creep all night
As I open my eyes and realizin' I changed
Not the same deranged child stuck up in the game
And to my niggas livin' street life
Learn to treat life to the best, put stress to rest
Still tote your vest man, niggas be trippin'
In the streets without a gat? Nah, ***** you're slippin'
You know, when I was 4, waaaaaaay back in 1980, the worst I ever did was bite a few people (who deserved it), and got in a few rock throwing fights.

I didn't even know what a shotgun was.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I still want to know how they know he loaded it himself.
this story is bull shit. " oh look, baby joey is loading the shotgun, whats he gonna do next?".
it didn't happen like that, or extremely unlikely to have.

And how much does a 4 year old weigh? firing a shotgun would have tossed him across the room, maybe broke some bones or internal injuries.

That's what I was thinking too MP. There is NO WAY that a 4 year old would have the ability to successfully fire a shotgun. They wouldn't have enough strength or balance to handle the weapon and the kickback alone would easily break their shoulder, ribs, etc.

No, something isn't right about this story and I don't really believe that it's accurate.