36 GG ("and I have HUGE boobs...")

I met a girl online who lives near me, we might start dating or hooking up, though I haven't met her in person yet. In chat the other day the subject of boobs came up and this is what she said:

and I have HUGE boobs... lol. 36 GG

Here's a link to the only pics of her that I have that show something of her boobs or cleavage. I edited her face and surroundings out of the pics and merged into one picture, plus numbered each one within it:


Just in case the flickr view of the picture doesn't work, I'll try attaching the photo to this post.

Okay, soooooo, on to my main questions-

I need input from boobs experts! LOL If you are familiar with "36GG" size boobs, and after taking a look at this group of pics:

Can you provide images/links of girls with 36GG boobs that you think this girl's boobs might most closely resemble?

:) Thanks!

Of course, if I can get some full-exposed tits pics of her I'll be sure to share 'em (I'll still blur/delete her face for privacy.)
I gotta meet her in person first!
Take things to the next level. ;)
<cue porn music> lol


  • 36GG.jpg
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If you are on the brink of hooking up with this woman then why do you want pics of what you are probably gonna be seeing/handling?
Those are no where close to a double G, I would say whomever measured her for her bra didn't know her ass from her elbow.

What would these monstrosities be?

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What would these monstrosities be?

eww that is a nasty photshop boobjob.

Well every inch beyond my fingertips is = 1 cup size

So I would say ZZ?
My man-boobs are bigger than that. :tongue:
wow awesome! glad to receive all the replies. :glugglug:

If you are on the brink of hooking up with this woman then why do you want pics of what you are probably gonna be seeing/handling?
Why would I want pics of what I'm gonna see/handle... hmm, to have pics of what I'm seeing/handling. :rolleyes: heheh

Those are no where close to a double G, I would say whomever measured her for her bra didn't know her ass from her elbow.
Yeah, I am suspicious of her true boob size.

ya can't really tell completely from those pics, though pics 3 and 6 hint at big tits (maybe close (???) to GG?) while pic 1 hints at smaller tits. Pic 3 doesn't help much if she simply has them "pushed" up in that shirt - unless she's actually overflowing lol. :eek: And pic 6 has an awesome hint at her titties roundness as she's kinda leanin' over to the side w/ 'em hanging a lil haha. Pics 2, 4, and 5 don't say much - so much is covered. but pic 5 shows her arm, so of course she's a BBW, which makes me wonder if she might truly have GGs.

lol i have no idea. :dunno:

By the way, boobfan, who is that hot babe in your user icon/avatar thing?! i say dannnnnnng! :thumbsup:

go tit fuck the shit out her!

i will definitely be doing that hoping of course she and i do in fact hook up. lol she sent me a text earlier today totally flirting in it. :)

Me thinks those are no where close to 36 either.

hmm... so more like 38 or more?

samantha 38g sized tits but a little bigger :D, or, for a more exact match, lady snow, april mckenzie, or terry nova have 36gg size

so instead of 36gg she might be more like 38g?

i wish i had fully exposed tit pics of her! haha
perhaps i'll get to take some pics of her (or maybe sneak one in on my phone or a webcam) ;) but i think i'll just ask 1st, maybe she'd like it or even already have pics of her titties. i mean if she said, "and i have HUGE boobs" and loves it, which she seems to lol, then i'm guessing she's taken pics at some point or is open to having pics taken. who knows. anyway...

yeah they dont look GG to me either, someone is telling porky pies

porky pies. :)

well, another girl i recently hooked up with said she had 38d... and yet when i had a chance to see/handle/etc. her tits there was no way in hell that that particular girl's boobs are 38d. i'd say that she is maybe 38c or 40c.

i'm no boob expert but i have been w/ another-other girl with 38d and this other girl was not at all that size. unless that "another-other" girl actually has bigger tits than 38d.

i have no idea - but the recent "38d" girl must have been lying. it makes me wonder how many girls or how often girls lie about the size of their tits.

actually i do have a couple tit-pics of that girl (claiming to have 38d). if someone wants to give their input on her boob size i can upload them somewhere and post a link in here. just let me know.

Her juggs look really huge but I bet she's a 2-bagger.

lol 2-bagger? :tongue: i'm not sure i know what that means. 2-bagger as in she's a BBW (overweight/etc.)? that might be the case, looking at pic #5 - her arm seems to hint at that. or does 2-bagger mean something else?
Another question for the boob experts...

"38DDD" - any samples (pics/links) of girls out there with those boobs? A friend of mine has that, just found out, though unfortunately she's only a friend. lol
lol 2-bagger? :tongue: i'm not sure i know what that means. 2-bagger as in she's a BBW (overweight/etc.)? that might be the case, looking at pic #5 - her arm seems to hint at that.

hint? lol

professor sir, her upper arms are HUGE - shoot they make mine look like toothpicks lol .....also note the associated fat rolls. Nothing wrong with BBWs if that's your thing, but make no mistake about it, she is one.

btw - you do know what the number measurements (36 38 40 etc) represent, yes?
By the way, boobfan, who is that hot babe in your user icon/avatar thing?! i say dannnnnnng! :thumbsup:

My Avatar is Gisele aka Love Gisele with her natural hair color which I prefer (love girls with dark hair).
My profile pic is the image that I had as an Avatar before I had Gisele. It's a babe named Molly that I used to take pictures of every now and then.
hint? lol

professor sir, her upper arms are HUGE - shoot they make mine look like toothpicks lol .....also note the associated fat rolls. Nothing wrong with BBWs if that's your thing, but make no mistake about it, she is one.

btw - you do know what the number measurements (36 38 40 etc) represent, yes?

Ah, got it. Yeah she's a bbw. Thinner girls are preferred lol but it's pretty dang rare to find one with naturally huge tits.

And # measurements, yes, inches (well in U.S.) around her torso excluding her actual tits (right under them I believe).

As far as cup goes, what puzzles me is why this girl has 36gg when I thought "gg" isn't used in the U.S., which is where she has always lived, unless it's an imported bra lol. I have no idea.

The reason I guessed her # might be higer than 36... like a 38... is because she is a bbw, which would also, thus, give her a "g" cup instead of "gg" if 38... that is, well, as far as I know (and please correct me if I'm wrong), U.S. bras have cup sizes proportionate to the # measurements. Like, the "d" in a 32d being close to the "c" in a 34c.

My Avatar is Gisele aka Love Gisele with her natural hair color which I prefer (love girls with dark hair).
My profile pic is the image that I had as an Avatar before I had Gisele. It's a babe named Molly that I used to take pictures of every now and then.

Cool pic in your profile. The avatar pic, Gisele, after now checking out her pics, I gotta say I like her brunette hair color much better than her blonde hair. She is clothed in too many of those pics! lol ;)

...anyway, in an earlier post I mentioned how I think one gal lied about her bra size. She said she's 38D but when I hooked up with her I seriously doubted it, at least from being with a girl a long time ago said she was 38D. Weird stuff. I wonder what's the deal with that, if she actually lied about it, or if girls are known to lie about bra size or boob size in general. lol
...anyway, in an earlier post I mentioned how I think one gal lied about her bra size. She said she's 38D but when I hooked up with her I seriously doubted it, at least from being with a girl a long time ago said she was 38D. Weird stuff. I wonder what's the deal with that, if she actually lied about it, or if girls are known to lie about bra size or boob size in general. lol

Truth be told a lot of large breasted women do not know how to correctly measure thier bra size. Under a true D cup the measurement really does not matter because of the wide adjustment capability of bras.
A D cup and over it is very important that the Cup size of the bra is correct. A Doctor named Ed Pechter (M.D) developed a way of accuratly measureing a womans cup size that eliminates errors and guess work after obtaining the band size (chest size). Each cup is measured individually from one side to the other and the number of inches = a cup size. As opposed to measureing both breasts and the back and subtracting or rounding numbers which results in an incorrect measurement most of the time.

Here is The Good Doctors site.

On a side note I noticed some time ago that if I hold my hand centered on a womans breast that it will completly cover the breast if she has a D cup. Every inch beyond my hand is 1 additional cup size. I have helped quite few ladies using this method and they have been very pleased with the resulting new and correctly fitting bra size