30 Cent?


Closed Account
Well if the look they wanted was cancer-ridden football player, they seem to have that down pat.
To quote somebody from another board.

"it seems hes very dedicated to acting…to bad he fucking sucks at it."
-petey wheatstraw


Lord Dipstick
Good thing it's for a movie...thought the guy really had some disease or something...

Reminds me of Christian Bale's "The Machinist" role.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
He looks a bit like DMX in that second picture! :1orglaugh

lol. thats what I was thinkin myself.. but the real reason I posted in this thread is cuz I always hear people hating on 50. You know I don't care what anybody says about 50 Cent. thats my dude. like rap or not. like what he's about or not. I gots mad respect for the dude. Some of the things he says I don't really like or agree with, but nobodies perfect. but anybody who hates on 50 thats cool and thats your business, but when 50 comes out on national TV and says and does this.

I gots too give the guy his dues / respect. Not everybody likes his music or his acting but thats neither here nor there, sort of speak. the guy is rich enough to buy whatever he wishes. if he wants to remove his tats more power to him, he's doing to apply himself to becoming a commited, better, serious actor. like I said, like him or not. he went from rags to riches, not only did he get wealthy, but he did by marketing himself, he is not wealthy just because of his music, he's got so many other $$$ making ventures that makes him an elite business man who I think is a respectable and all around good guy. like it or not.
:2 cents:

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
Iv'e liked 50 since Power of The Dollar. I first heard him on radio here in the UK back in '98 and listened to him ever since. I think there are better rappers out there and Jay-Z and Eminem control the business better, but he is an icon!
That stuff creeps me out. Soo bad for your body. Christian Bale was all buggered up The Machinist. Same thing happened to Toby Macguire. He was was all buffed up for Spiderman then had to drop all the weight for the horse racing film, Seasbiscuit. Then he had to put it all on again for Spiderman 2. The body doesnt like you when you do that too it.
Wow I didn't even recognize him. He definitely looks sick now so I guess that's good for his role. So bad for your body to lose weight that fast.
50 Cent in movie role: Yah, brah! I'se gots cancer up in dis body. Soon... soon... I'll be out da hospital club. For good.

Tom Hanks: I got AIDs.

50 Cent in movie role: Damn, brah... Tanks fo lettin' me know. I'se bouts to axe you to check up on dis lollipop down hur.