2014 Was The Warmest Year in Modern Record

Don't be butthurt because I got the good end of climate change in the winter. My eyeballs will be boiling in their sockets come 120°/100% humidity in June/July/August.

Thanks for reminding me that the oppressive heat and humidity is only about 5 months away. It is about 41 and overcast here at the moment.


Official Checked Star Member
Don't be butthurt because I got the good end of climate change in the winter. My eyeballs will be boiling in their sockets come 120°/100% humidity in June/July/August.

100% humidity all year long and not complaining; and don't let me speak about the heat. Ah, these people from Texas....


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Thanks for reminding me that the oppressive heat and humidity is only about 5 months away. It is about 41 and overcast here at the moment.

Oh, we haven't hit our high yet today, I'm guessing it'll be close to ninety.

100% humidity all year long and not complaining; and don't let me speak about the heat. Ah, these people from Texas....

I'm not complaining, I rather enjoy the heat. I'm always amused when non-Texans visit.
I have lived with the brutal summers all of my life and I am still not acclimated to it. It is during the summer months that I wish I had chosen a career that didn't require a suit. I also own a place near Tampa Florida and between the 4 PM thunderstorms and the humidity I wonder why I even bought it. I need a place in Finger Lakes NY for the summer getaway.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I have lived with the brutal summers all of my life and I am still not acclimated to it. It is during the summer months that I wish I had chosen a career that didn't require a suit. I also own a place near Tampa Florida and between the 4 PM thunderstorms and the humidity I wonder why I even bought it. I need a place in Finger Lakes NY for the summer getaway.

North Texas isn't bad in regards to temperature and humidity, but there's always twisters to worry about. One of my favorite places in the state was an old girlfriends house about twenty miles out of Fort Worth in a little town called Weatherford. Felt like spring or fall in the middle of the summer, really quite with miles of mesquite trees. That or over near Denton, a little town called Krum, flat as a pancake, I watched a thunderstorm roll in one night across a flat stretch, I can't see anything like that here in East Texas because of all the damn Pine trees. Still gets hot in North Texas, but not nearly as intense as it does on the hwy 59 corridor between Texarkana and Houston.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
...but I am also not going to back restrictions just because their "science" is rooted in an ideology with the ultimate goal of restricting business and fossil fuel extraction and exploration.

How about all the other reasons I listed? You said you were going to get back to me on that point.
How about all the other reasons I listed? You said you were going to get back to me on that point.

How many animal species are at the brink of extinction because of deforestation and fossil fuel extraction? Who is for lacing our waterways with Mercury? The problem that I have with excessive environmental regulation is that it is and always has been a mindset of throwing the baby out with the bathwater,

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Did anyone see Don Lemon losing his shit on CNN over a winter storm? I only wish his Blizzardmobile driver was drunk. It would have made for a better story than his Chicken Little act.




Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
How many animal species are at the brink of extinction because of deforestation and fossil fuel extraction?
Is this a serious question?

Who is for lacing our waterways with Mercury?
Anyone who can make a quick buck by doing so. That's how unregulated capitalism works.

The problem that I have with excessive environmental regulation is that it is and always has been a mindset of throwing the baby out with the bathwater,
This is ironically a great description for those who resist any regulation because they doubt one of the ill-effects of our lack of environmental caretaking. As I said, put that ill-effect to the side, entirely. Let's ignore it. There's still plenty of good reasons to do better.
Yeah it's serious question? Why wouldn't it be? I asked how many and somehow you act as if the question itself was out line?

I don't know the answer so I asked.
You lost me at unregulated capitalism. Capitalism is over regulated and we are still killing the earth. I guess a complete shut down is what you are advocating.

Who said any and all regulation?

Your beloved science is a theory and only a theory. At least, I am willing to keep an open mind about it. But it is no more reliable at this point and time as any other science that has been tweaked over the years. You can't even settle on a name for the data. Why should we believe your science as the gospel?
I have said this many times on this board before, Global Warming/Climate change has not been verified beyond a doubt nor can it be discredited as a hoax. To implement ecological standards because it is a possibility is just as irresponsible as those that dismiss it based upon political and ideological grounds. We can argue this until we are blue in the face but the fact remains that we are years away from conclusive data. Well beyond our lifetimes, so I will let the generations of the future determine who was right or who was wrong.

By your standard every scientific finding in every scientific field that has ever and will ever exist wouldn't be "beyond a doubt", because the very way science works never conclusively determines anything. It only places things in what best fits with known facts and observations though careful study, the scientific method, and empirical evidence. Some things fit better than others. Some a lot better. There is such strong evidence for human created climate change and such a strong scientific consensus among the scientist that study the subject not to mention the vast majority of scientist in general we can put major human made climate change somewhere right under the theory or relativity, the existence of dirt, or the sun rising in the East in certainly as a scientific principle. If there was not a political aspect to this or any money or hardship lost in it people that deny strong human created climate change would be placed along side the Flat Earth Society in terms of ridiculousness.

Technically, yes, it hasn't been proven beyond a doubt because that's not possible for science to do, for anything. Realistically, people that don't believe in human made climate change after all that has been known about it are irrational nutcases. That even might be putting it nicely.

I don't know about anybody else, but I think I'm going to side with the 98% of climate scientist in the world, and pretty much every serious climate change study that has been done for a long time now. It's a lot easier and more sane to agree with them than to either think there is some vast worldwide conspiracy between all the world's scientist to trick us on this subject or that they don't know what they are talking about, let alone believe some blowhard politicians or famous personalities know more about it than they do.
By your standard every scientific finding in every scientific field that has ever and will ever exist wouldn't be "beyond a doubt", because the very way science works never conclusively determines anything. It only places things in what best fits with known facts and observations though careful study, the scientific method, and empirical evidence. Some things fit better than others. Some a lot better. There is such strong evidence for human created climate change and such a strong scientific consensus among the scientist that study the subject not to mention the vast majority of scientist in general we can put major human made climate change somewhere right under the theory or relativity, the existence of dirt, or the sun rising in the East in certainly as a scientific principle. If there was not a political aspect to this or any money or hardship lost in it people that deny strong human created climate change would be placed along side the Flat Earth Society in terms of ridiculousness.

Technically, yes, it hasn't been proven beyond a doubt because that's not possible for science to do, for anything. Realistically, people that don't believe in human made climate change after all that has been known about it are irrational nutcases. That even might be putting it nicely.

I don't know about anybody else, but I think I'm going to side with the 98% of climate scientist in the world, and pretty much every serious climate change study that has been done for a long time now. It's a lot easier and more sane to agree with them than to either think there is some vast worldwide conspiracy between all the world's scientist to trick us on this subject or that they don't know what they are talking about, let alone believe some blowhard politicians or famous personalities know more about it than they do.

And while you are taking your little stroll here's something you can ponder while you are admiring the natural wonders that are soon to go bye bye. If there is such imminent danger posed to the planet by man, see if you can get the scientific community to all get together and hold a debate on the topic.I mean it is our very existence that we are talking about here and there is nothing more important at this time than coming up with a comprehensive plan to tackle this problem. I am not talking a peanut gallery I am talking including scientists that don't adhere to the "data" Because right now all you can do is call those that disagree with you names like flat earthers or irrational nutcases. If conclusive data existed it could be explained in such a manner that anyone could understand. The content of every global warming alarmists' argument I ever read can only cite science for the sake of science. I am afraid that you are going to have to do better, so until then, you are just going to have to deal with your obvious frustration that it cannot be proven at this time and yell and scream and ridicule until such time that the evidence is indisputable.

Thank you, and the world will be waiting for your findings.