2012 + illumanti making bets


I'm giving odds here.

World will end in 2012 - 50:1
Illumanti will conquor the world - 50:1

Place your bets. I am auto confirm. Here's my auto confirm stance.
World won't end in 2012
The Illumanti won't take over the world.


I wonder if the Illuminati know what will happen in 2012? They may be planning something themselves, to take advantage of all the hysteria surrounding 2012. But its likely that some event must happen on that year, whether its divine or a self-fulfilling prophecy.
i've been illuminated and have realized the promised apocalypse will occur and reveal to all of mankind that war amongst ourselves is a pathetic and petty enterprise as beings from the alpha draconis star system attempt to wipe clean the slate of this planet while the survivors fight for survival we will realize that the thousands of years we've spend fighting amongst ourselves prevented ourselves from being able to move beyond our current stagnate state of evolution....give or take :D


Postal Paranoiac
The Trilateral Commission rules the world, and they will end it in 2012 because they are pissed off about shitty network programing.