2 Ugliest Celebs you´d be able to fuck

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Ugly in the sense of "...meh..she´s not that pretty but I still could get a hard on if in the right mood"

Amanda Bearse (Married With Children)


and probably

Roseanne Barr/Arnold

but I have to admit I´d rather have her look like this: http://www.cd.sc.ehu.es/FileRoom/images/image49.gif

I doubt I´d be able to get a hard on if she looked like this:

oh yea and while I´m at it... a threesome with Roseanne Barr and Laurie Metcalf sounds interesting:



what the fuck you lookin at?
Yea, yea we know all women are beautiful! Such is not necessarily the case fox! If a woman is a dog and a complete bitch, then she's not pretty in anyones book! Hence, she's ugly!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Oh hell no! Marcy Darcy was a frickin' hottie!

But.. lessee...

I've always loved.. Cheri O'Teri on SNL.

The wife of Ray Romano, Tim Allen and more on their sitcoms.

Bebe Neuwirth from Cheers.

Pretty much all chicks. The only ones I find ugly.. are the ones that everyone else likes. AKA your average 18 year old fresh outta high school with no tits and a tiny waist on your average TGP.

For frick's sake visit a mature site or lookit some black girls with a phat waist and some huge honkin' tits! Milena Velba! Misotis! DawnsPlace! KirstensRoom! KatiesWorld!

Not TiffanyTeen, NikkiNextDoor or .. or.. heh, okay well.. InBedWithFaith has its moments. Man those're some nice foreign tits.
I have hard time answering this, because if you'd do it, then you must not think that they are very ugly, or esle you'd just fuck anyone, and it really doesn't matter.

you tell me and I'll tell you.

I'd say yes to all of yours tor, and yes to the other two of showme's and it would be a 50/50 for roseane. like you said, it depends on how she looks at the time. I'd also fuck both of roseanes (on the tv show) daughters. hell that whole family isn't that bad, i'd even take a shot at john goodman!:rofl: But her mom pissed me off for some reason, I wouldn't do her.
hehe, I'm not afraid to admit I think she's attractive Dave, so you're not alone.

I didn't really think we had to mention the fact that people have different tastes in everything.

as the ole saying goes,

different strokes for different folks and all that
Not a nice thread, not a nice thread at all. Calling women "ugly" is for grade school (unfortunately), and grade school kids aren't allowed on an 18+ board.

Yep. This is turning out the way I thought it would!

I don't know why it's so important to compare notes on such a downer subject. :dunno:
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