16 year old chicago teen beat to death

yeah i saw that on cnn,i was like wtf..he got hit with a big piece of wood,upside his head...it was really fucked up.i hope those dude get in big big trouble..they beat him to death


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
There are so many things I could say about this....but nothing that would do it justice. What a horrific tragedy....so young.

My heart goes out to Derrion's family.


Closed Account
I ws going to post this earlier, but then I realised this has been going on for some time in different parts of the country, even here in Portland OR. One reads about children being murdered just because they are walking on that part of a street or wearing a blue bandana - the other gang's colour.

But ya, no, the police are patrolling now so they can all live in peace from now on.

He looks like a really intelligent boy, too.

The real crime is jaywalking, though.


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I feel bad for his family. As my mother says, "No parent should outlive their child." The brutal way in which he was murdered speaks volumes about our society. Someone was able to record it, but yet no one jumped in to stop it. Truly a tragic death - yet another young man who was taken way too soon...


Terrible , but this sort of thing happens everywhere !!!!!!

Ive knew a few people that have died in similar situations being attacked on there own by a gang of people , its even happened to me , I survived but still got the scars!!!

Gangs of youths have a pack mentality & its needs to be addressed , but sad to say "it wont be the first and it wont be the last"
Wait, and some assholes went and burned a memorial set for the kid? Really? Human beings are some utterly disgusting creatures, to take a life is becoming far too common, seemingly easier and accepted in society as well. It goes back to the law system though, it sucks. Why else do we have idiots doing their idiotic things? Murder, rape, burglary, embezzlement. Most get off with a slap on the wrist. Hell go with the Arab way and chop what body part that committed the crime off. Kill em all, do something to deter the people from continuing their dirty deeds. Weed out the filth, permanently!


what the fuck you lookin at?
Figures it'd be a bunch of n... eh...nevermind...
its fucked up, but having been around it for so long, it seems commonplace. as bad as things could get sometimes, I never had to fear anything in school. it was almost off limits to mess with someone there. now, there is no safe place.
so sad. . . no words can do it justice. My heart goes out to the family. I hope those fuckers (those involved in the crime) get theirs!


So why do we have wild kids committing crimes never before seen ?
It wouldn't have anything even remotely to do with politiks would it ?:rolleyes:

How about the beating down of the American father figure over the years... when have you ever heard anything that is complimentary or encouraging about a traditional family unit in today's multi media ? ,The only thing that I've been hearing over the years is : "Single mother... single parent.. single mother ..single mother... mom ...mom...mommy", it's as if the father never existed ! Also - "same sex marriage, same sex marriage and same sex marriage," ad nauseam ! Are you as sick and tired of this invention as I am ? Johnny and his two daddies and Heather and her two mommies and you wonder why our young people are runnin' around like wild hyenas ? They're pissed and confused ! Their country is changing before their eyes

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Hiliary 2020
i hear you face, its just social decay pure and simple.
people can bad mouth religion all they want, but it at least it teaches family values, which dont include killing some kid on the street.
guaranteed none of these pieces of shit had fathers in their lives. probably just a mother will multiple children thanks to the GOV allowing her to live off the system.
the kids have no guidance.
great society weve created.

the truth is stuff like this happens all over the country, every fucking day, many many times.
its not usually news because its so commom.
in this case it was black on black so they reported it.
in reality, this kind of stuff is very very common......
So why do we have wild kids committing crimes never before seen ?
It wouldn't have anything even remotely to do with politiks would it ?:rolleyes:

How about the beating down of the American father figure over the years... when have you ever heard anything that is complimentary or encouraging about a traditional family unit in today's multi media ? ,The only thing that I've been hearing over the years is : "Single mother... single parent.. single mother ..single mother... mom ...mom...mommy", it's as if the father never existed ! Also - "same sex marriage, same sex marriage and same sex marriage," ad nauseam ! Are you as sick and tired of this invention as I am ? Johnny and his two daddies and Heather and her two mommies and you wonder why our young people are runnin' around like wild hyenas ? They're pissed and confused ! Their country is changing before their eyes

I'm just getting started, won't you join me ?

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Somehow there has to be a link between a teenager being beaten to death and gay marriage or single parenting. The so called "slippery slope.." :rolleyes:
Do not assume kids have the mentality and biases of older people. If a child is raised in a loving home, regardless of if is just one mother, the chances that he/she will be a good person are very good. There are many kids who grow up in homes with mommy and daddy and still turn out despicable. You are looking at the wrong scapegoat for this.