Awesome! I'm sure the Midwest would fare equally well in a 15 Most Boring States competition. :bowdown:
Seriously, though, I had no idea that Alaska had such a crime problem.
yeah, there's a fair bit of drug related crime up here with the violence and tweaker related assaults and everything else that goes along with that and all the rape bullshit is from all the sick, creepy fucks who lurk around during the long nights in the winter plus its such a big state and the population is quite spread out so there's also a lot of people who don't see very many other people very often, especially women and most of these people have plenty of issues besides just being secluded half the time, but the same precautions would keep most women safe, don't go out alone, carry protection etc ya know...i don't care what anybody says, there's a lot more reason to carry a gun around here than to protect you from bears, especially if you're a woman and extra especially if you're's really actually a great place to live though, you just have to be street smart like anywhere else and there's plenty of great people here too, it's not like everybody is a sick, rapist fuck...