13th DUI



12-time offender arrested for DUI crash

A 12-time drunk driving offender was being held without bail Saturday after his arrest a day earlier in connection with a non-injury crash on Highway 12 at Stony Point Road in Santa Rosa. Authorities say he was driving drunk.

“This is his 13th arrest,” said Petaluma Police Sgt. Ken Savano, who runs his department’s Habitual DUI Offender Stakeout Program and coordinates Sonoma County’s AVOID the 13 Sonoma County DUI Task Force.. . ]

Get the bat ! :hammer:
I'm ASSUMING he was driving without auto insurance too?

This story is why some people need the breathalyzer ignition system....although, with 13 DUIs he should not have the privilege of driving anymore for the rest of his life. He's obviously a drunk who can't take care of himself....
I think the first DUI, usually because of stupidity and dumbassetry, license suspended for a year.

Second DUI according to circumstances and all that you lose them for up to three to five years. Possible jail time.

Third DUI never allowed to drive again. Mandatory jail time.

There is this guy in Texas who got his 10th DUI and now serving life in prison

I read a few months ago about how one man had over 20+ DUIs. It's bullshit. I understand the first DUI for some. It's just stupidity. If lesson is not learned after that than the slap on the wrist needs to turn into some serious punishment.


It's sad that there are individuals of this man's type that can on any given day take out a family, a group of schoolchildren in a crosswalk or commit any number of horrific drunk driving scenarios you can think of.

10 - 15 straight for this guy, otherwise I can hear it now ...

''Why did society and the system allow him to ....'':crying::dunno:
My ex father-in-law had a baker's dozen drunk driving arrests/convictions. He went to prison, where he quit smoking,and now he doesn't drink, either.

He's still a piece of shit :D
I'm ASSUMING he was driving without auto insurance too?

This story is why some people need the breathalyzer ignition system....although, with 13 DUIs he should not have the privilege of driving anymore for the rest of his life. He's obviously a drunk who can't take care of himself....

Totally agree....but what is to stop him from taking someone's keys and starting up their car? :dunno:

What do you do with someone like this? I don't have an answer......thirteen is an amazing number.....it's a story that makes you shake your head in disbelief....here is what I do think.....

Someone who is actually willing/able to do this THIS many times needs a psych eval. Yes, I am suggesting maybe locking them up in a psych ward somewhere......prison maybe doesn't really fit.....it would seem to me that there are very heavy mental issues at play with this individual. It is abuntantly clear that they are unwilling to cope/learn to live in society, thus they need to be removed from it, and given help, in whatever form or fashion is applicable.

Just my :2 cents:
I would say a STIFF sentence, home monitoring following their release and other infractions against the individual. I know it varries from state to state (the harshness of DUI laws) and mine has gotten even more harsh. I think it's like 3 infractions and you face prison time. they also make it illegal to even consume liquor if you do so many within so many years.

MADD is the main group responsible for the increase in harshness.