12 year old arrested for doodling


what the fuck you lookin at?
Please repost this recent pics in 6 years when she's 18. I know I'll get blasted, but I see a little potential...lol

I have the urge to slap you. Like a bitch. That's right, to bitch slap you.

But I keep my urges packed way down. Deep down. Far enough down that it just smolders. And all those years of urges packed down can't ever possibly go wrong, right? They'll stay there and be calm. I won't ever have the need to take a hand grenade to church, right?



In the end you are unable to slap me. All is well. This time next week you will have forgotten all about this thread :D
This reminds me of two small girls one time here in the UK they were using chalk on the pavement outside their house. They were playing hopscotch or something like that. Something which kids have played for decades and nothing was said or done about it. Well, anyway, The Gestapo (Police) were driving passed and noticed them drawing on the pavement and the two little girls mother and father were either fined or charged for their kids doing graffiti on the pavement with the chalk. This shit is just too good to make up. Chalk washes off in the rain, kids have been drawing on pavements with chalk for DECADES and it's caused no harm. This is just the Gestapo being fat lazy incompetent bastards praying on the law abiding citizens instead of breaking into a sweat by chasing rapists, muggers, junkies, etc. It's easier to harass a couple of kids playing and their parents than it is to catch crooks!. See these fascists in uniforms, see if they started to sweat, they'd end up going to the doctor as they would be wondering what's wrong with them. The doctor would turn round and say "It's called exercise!.".