10 Craziest Conspiracy Theories.

No, but I would love to have sat in on the meeting when they were drawing up the designs for the US currency. One guy going, "It's a nice picture of Washington and all, but you've made the giant eye floating above the pyramid too small."
It's good to see my personal favourite conspiracy theory topping the list.

You just can't get those Reptillians down ..... unless you use a claw hammer and a large wedge of chedder cheese. It does something to their digestive system and they go down like a hooker in church - screeching, spitting and cursing their overlords high above, whilst you're left there with your cock out wishing you were dead because you just needed it out of your pants for a while. It was obviously not the best time to do it, the alley behind the church was the place, maybe it's not so bad, at least that girl you've been flirting with knows what you're packing. Just try to ignore her dissapointment it'll make great jack off material later. The claw hammer is just for fun, but it can be useful if you can't get hold of any good cheese.....


I will say that the 20 dollar bill trick still freaks me out today thats just weird
The only thing I believe is that LBJ was involved in the assassination of JFK and there was more than one shooter. Also on 12/21/2012 the Illuminati will take over the world.:D Heh yeah right.
Ok check these one told to me about a guy that saw some aliens and they explained to him the following about the human race and it's origin.

1. the white race is actually not from this planet and they are from the pleyades and because of their advanced scientific knowledge they were first established in Atlantis and dominated the earth from there.

2. the asians were actually venusians and that's why they had weird eyes and big heads, they were also higher adavance race.

3. blacks were earth natural race thus their adaptation to the rought temperatures of the tropics but their intelligence was lower than thus from venus and pleyades thus they became dominated by the other ones

4. there was a reptilian race called the greys and they prey on all other three races and cows and they were in our goverment in the present

so there was supposed to come a big planet named herculobus (nibiru) in 1996 and wipe them all out and then we would escape in flying saucers

Well I haven't talked to him in a very looong time, what you all think about that it's that crazy enough?
My conspiracy theory is that Facetious is not actually an American or a Californian...but he actually lives up in outer space, in a secret lair...with this guy..


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Crazy stuff, even crazier that some people believe them.

Will E Worm

People actually believe Penn and Teller are credible is scary, but not unbelievable.

The same thing goes for "myth busters." :rolleyes:


:wave2:^ ^ ^ ^ :D Shhhh !! be vewy vewy quiet !

wew said:
People actually believe Penn and Teller are credible is scary, but not unbelievable.
sean penn ? credible ? No way !
But if we're talkin' Edward Teller, Tesla, Openheimer and many others related to the sciences.... fookin' dazzling brilliance ! :bowdown:



Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Reptoids do control the planet! They do God damn it! They do... What is that master, yes.......... master............ I will do as you say master............


Closed Account
I actually listened to an NPR Fresh Air interview with the editor of Ted Kennedy's autobiography that says LBJ believed the FBI was involved with the assassination.
People actually believe Penn and Teller are credible is scary, but not unbelievable.

The same thing goes for "myth busters." :rolleyes:

Yes, everyone knows that Mythbusters fakes every myth that they bust. They are part of the conspiracy.