1 dead and 9 hurt in the running of the bulls

Why for fucks sake does anybody care about those who are running with the bulls??? Huh??? Can you please explain that to me? Is your life really that pathetic that you sit at home and think about shit like that? What a bunch of freakin morons!

And BTW, it's a fine tradition, something you Americans have no sense for whatsoever, so don't you even dare to comment on such things.

Oh, and the only retard here is you Yankeesfan"blahblah", well, because you're a Yankees fan...HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...:thefinger
Why for fucks sake does anybody care about those who are running with the bulls??? Huh??? Can you please explain that to me? Is your life really that pathetic that you sit at home and think about shit like that? What a bunch of freakin morons!

And BTW, it's a fine tradition, something you Americans have no sense for whatsoever, so don't you even dare to comment on such things.

Oh, and the only retard here is you Yankeesfan"blahblah", well, because you're a Yankees fan...HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...:thefinger

Am I supposed to be insulted by this?


Is somewhere outhere.
I think it's a custom for Spanish people from that area to do this.Of
course it's bad that somebody gets killed,but I don't think that will
stop them from doing again next year.

I guess it was a victory for the bulls :)
i say next year we do a running of the bear line up all the ocsm and let me chase them


Die For Me
Go running with the bulls they said
It will be fun they said
I'm suprised thats the first death since 1995
Well if at least some of these bozos have been removed from the human gene pool that cant be such a bad thing now can it? A moral victory for the bulls I think. Viva La torros.
Well it's no less of a questionable tradition than some others (and I won't start with the questionable stuff done in the US ;)), but it has it's place.
And it's probably one of the most misunderstood traditions. If you run with the bulls, you are supposed to run with the bulls. Standing in the way or isolating a bull from the herd so that it gets frightened (and thus more aggressive) is actually to be avoided. You are supposed to run with the bulls a certain route as a kind of "rite of passage", even though the event has lost part of this meaning.

This goes especially to those badmouthing this: Don't judge what you don't understand. I'm not a big fan of this tradition either, but I won't judge it in this way while in my country there are traditions like butcher/slaughter fest (feast of freshly slaughtered animals to celebrate the harvest), the punchfests (mass brawls) on labor day or the battues in spring and autumn, which people from other countries probably can't relate to.
Just food for thought.
Go bulls!
Could care less. Deserve to die if you enter this thing.
Well it's no less of a questionable tradition than some others (and I won't start with the questionable stuff done in the US ;)), but it has it's place.
And it's probably one of the most misunderstood traditions. If you run with the bulls, you are supposed to run with the bulls. Standing in the way or isolating a bull from the herd so that it gets frightened (and thus more aggressive) is actually to be avoided. You are supposed to run with the bulls a certain route as a kind of "rite of passage", even though the event has lost part of this meaning.

This goes especially to those badmouthing this: Don't judge what you don't understand. I'm not a big fan of this tradition either, but I won't judge it in this way while in my country there are traditions like butcher/slaughter fest (feast of freshly slaughtered animals to celebrate the harvest), the punchfests (mass brawls) on labor day or the battues in spring and autumn, which people from other countries probably can't relate to.
Just food for thought.

can't say it better myself. Every culture has it's own. Don't judge if you don't understand, what seems "gross" for you might seem "fair" to them. Same way goes around as well. Do yourself a favor and go there once, you'll be surprised how you can get into it as well, you 'll easily get swooped in ... But be aware of the risks as well...


what the fuck you lookin at?
can't say it better myself. Every culture has it's own. Don't judge if you don't understand, what seems "gross" for You Might seem "fair" to them. Same way goes around as well. Do yourself a favor and go there once, you'll be surprised how you can get into it as well, you 'll easily get swooped in ... But be aware of the risks as well...

fair? How the fuck is it fair for the animals involved???

I say good for the bulls! Can't say I'm upset someone was killed. Kinda the bulls way of saying "fuck you" to us humans before they are slaughtered for absolutely no reason...
fair? How the fuck is it fair for the animals involved???

Anyway, I say good for the bulls!

It ain't about the bulls ... sure they let them run to go to the stadium, to see there death over there. It takes place for a long time all ready. I don't like it either, but tradition is tradition. Spain has been doing this who knows for how long.
I don't even think that the ones killed where not even from over there. But just attention seekers and loud mouths who thought that it would be a bliss to do so.

J. Friday

can't say it better myself. Every culture has it's own. Don't judge if you don't understand, what seems "gross" for You Might seem "fair" to them. Same way goes around as well. Do yourself a favor and go there once, you'll be surprised how you can get into it as well, you 'll easily get swooped in ... But be aware of the risks as well...

That's what I'm saying. It was once a tradition to have cock-fighting, why do they ban tradition?

Why do they ban older men from marrying women under 18? It's an old tradition?

Why do they ban polygamy? It's tradition.

Why do they say it's wrong to expect a woman to stay at home, rather than getting a career? Women have traditionally been housewives and nothing more.

Why do they ban public executions? It's tradition.

Why do they ban stoning a woman for infidelity? It's tradition.

Why do people say it's wrong for the Catholic church to be against gay marriage? It's Catholic tradition to be against homosexuality.

Why do they make it illegal for men to beat their wives? Men have traditionally beat their wives throughout history.

Seriously, we could learn something from these Brits: be subservient to tradition, rather than change. It would be much smarter to look into somebody else's culture and find out we might like it. Hey, they still have female circumcision in Africa, that's tradition, right? Why knock it before we try it---I'm sure all the women love it.

British people, "Traditions are good for you."

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
That would certainly cut down on some of the older Congressional representatives. I can't see Robert Byrd outrunning a bull. Actually, I can't see him outrunning a stationary object either. This would be one helluva weeding out process...

OK, that one got me! Good one! :rofl:
Except for those shitheads that are kept safe by laws aimed at preventing them from hurting themselves. Those are the ones I'm trying to weed out.

You have a little more of a hard line on things than I do GSB. I'm more of a live and let live kind of guy.

I don't know. I may have to go with GSB on this one. They passed a law in Australia that tourists are not allowed to walk on dead whales while Great White Shark spotting. Frankly, if you're stupid enough to do that, why should anyone prevent it? Let's "let nature take its course", as the saying goes. If you run with enormous, pissed off animals in crowded streets on purpose, then maybe you *need* to be gored to death. Certainly we can't be surprised that someone died from this.

Hell, 9 hurt seems low.

Go bulls!

And that, right there, is my take on the event as well. I wouldn't mind seeing some other animals tried out in this way...

Can you imagine somewhere having a "Running of the tigers"? Oh, sweet joy... we could really clean up the gene pool.