1 dead and 9 hurt in the running of the bulls


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Mess with the bull, you'll get the horn, clearly means nothing to these people.
I have thought of a lot of things in my life, but I've never thought "hey, I'm going to go running with a bunch of angry bulls, while wearing a red scarf around my neck."

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
My ex had a lot of family in Spain, so she was into bull fighting. Personally, I think she just liked to see those little fellows in the tights... they're like gods in Spain (and I guess, Mexico). I'm not a PETA member or anything, but for whatever reason, I always cheered for the bull in these kinds of things.

Come on, Mr. Bull! Hit him high and hit him low. If he gets back up? Well, hit him again, hit him again!!! :rofl:

Yeah, she didn't think that was funny... :tongue:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I have no sympathy whatsoever for these people. It's a wild fuckin' animal! If you're going to antagonize it, you deserve to get impaled.
It's not as if these people don't know what they're getting themselves into. It's probably unfair for family members of those that are injured. Imagination if a loved one got hurt and you felt obligated to take care of them. A shitty situation all around.
I always find it amusing when the bulls gore someone. I mean, what kind of nimrod willingly stands in the way of a 1,000-pound stampeding animal? Fucking idiots.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I would say this is one of those historical traditions that need to be scrapped.

Or... we import it and make all members of Congress do it at least once every couple of years. If you win the election, in order to get to your office, you have to outrun a pack of charging bulls. Yeah? :glugglug:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Or... we import it and make all members of Congress do it at least once every couple of years. If you win the election, in order to get to your office, you have to outrun a pack of charging bulls. Yeah? :glugglug:

That would certainly cut down on some of the older Congressional representatives. I can't see Robert Byrd outrunning a bull. Actually, I can't see him outrunning a stationary object either. This would be one helluva weeding out process...
Or... we import it and make all members of Congress do it at least once every couple of years. If you win the election, in order to get to your office, you have to outrun a pack of charging bulls. Yeah? :glugglug:

Well, looking at the ages of some of the officals there. It's going to be a massacre :D
Better yet, everytime one of those asshole public officials get caught cheating with some skank whore and sticks the taxpayers with the bill, he runs the bulls.
Should be called running away from the bull....dumb fucks deserve everything coming to them. The only travesty in all this is the damn bulls only killed 1 and injured 9, come on bulls raise your games a little.
Well, I'm sure my posts in the past would refute that statement.

Stupid people are good enough at getting themselves killed anyway, I'm sure if the running of the bulls was stopped it wouldnt make much of a difference.

Except for those shitheads that are kept safe by laws aimed at preventing them from hurting themselves. Those are the ones I'm trying to weed out.