
  1. T

    Pics of Girls with Guns / Guns and Poses

    pic of Girls with Guns only :thumbsup:
  2. F

    Who is mad maxine???

    Does anyone know who this smokin hot girl is? Kinda reminds me of victoria beckham? Thanks.
  3. Facial_King

    GUNS: Report Links State Gun Laws to Rates of Slayings, Trafficking

    Intro: "States with lax gun laws had higher rates of handgun killings, fatal shootings of police officers, and sales of weapons that were used in crimes in other states, according to a study underwritten by a group of more than 300 U.S. mayors." (emphasis mine) Article...
  4. Marlo Manson

    best shootout ever?

    You can nominate a television show or series; or from a movie? any shootout you've ever seen on TV; NO actual real life events; that would be pretty morbid for someone to use a real event; but I recently saw an awesome gunfight on a movie series I will put you all up on; a little later in the...
  5. thorsif

    Girls with Weapons

    Amber Fox with Assault Rifle & Revolver
  6. T

    Pics of DJs and Girls with guns

    I'm looking for pics of both naked chicks DJing (or simply with headphones on), and/or chicks with guns. can anybody direct me to some FREE sites with this kind of content? thanks