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    Official College Thread

    Psychology: Behavioural Neuroscience
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    Montreal Expos going to move to Washington D.C.

    :crying: Rest in Peace Expose. You'll always be in our hearts in MTL even though we never actually went to youre games or cared much if you won :tongue: just playn'
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    He is. His wife was going to take a pic of him from atop a cliff, and he joke.
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    whats the age of consent in usa?

    That's all well and good parker, but your faulty logic is getting the best of you. You cannot without some ridiculous ad hoc argument tell me that exploiting young girls is morally acceptable. I agree with you that blind acceptance isn't right, but I dont see the connection between that and the...
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    whats the age of consent in usa?

    :mad: This is just too much guys. I mean these threads are supposed to be about hot women (over 18), and us commenting on them. NOT posting up sites of underage girls, and discussing the moral and judicial relevance of the law. Jesus christ guys, some of you need to think outside your pants and...
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    who is this dark haired teenie?

    Is it just me, or are the teens getting progressively younger and younger on this board. Really quite disturbing. I wont even venture a guess as to how old she is.