Search results

  1. JD

    Bryci (

    Sorry to see you go John. The way you tell this story is not exactly what happened though. I can't speak exactly of your account, because I don't know what you're talking about here. I'm not insinuating you are not being honest, I am merely pointing out I don't know the account you're referring...
  2. JD

    Bryci (

    anal will never happen, as she has said from the start. no - if you are getting a closed message, it means you are in an area one of the Bellas are that has stalker issues (not saying you're that stalker lol) - access to one site is access to all sites so if we nuke an area, that might be you...
  3. JD

    Bryci (

    I had replied to you once before, but Connor removed it along with the huge post I made to all of the trolls. I was quoting them, and he removed their posts so it made sense mine went as well. I did want to touch on your post though because you're not only wrong, you're incredibly naive...
  4. JD

    Bryci (

    We literally updated out site on Feb 1 with a B/G scene lol We almost always update weekly, since 2009 unless we get sick and get pushed back a few days, life emergency etc comes up. We both got sick in January and were out of things but we're back. Some sites shoot 30 or more sets over a few...
  5. JD

    Aleah Jasmine

    Aleah Jasmine is BACK! We extended the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale by ONE DAY. Today is the final day for another year to get membership to the entire BellaPass network including for $9.95 That gets you fill access to 16 websites!
  6. JD

    Monroe Lee / GND Monroe / Monroe from GNDmodels (GND Models)

    We extended the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale by ONE DAY. Today is the final day for another year to get membership to the entire BellaPass network including for $9.95 That gets you fill access to 16 websites!
  7. JD

    Jana Fox

    We extended the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale by ONE DAY. Today is the final day for another year to get membership to the entire BellaPass network including for $9.95 That gets you fill access to 16 websites!
  8. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    YES - Talia Shepard is BACK with and she is ACTIVE AS F*CK! We extended the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale by ONE DAY. Today is the final day for another year to get membership to the entire BellaPass network including for $9.95 That gets you fill access to...
  9. JD

    Cali Carter

    We extended the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale by ONE DAY. Today is the final day for another year to get membership to the entire BellaPass network including for $9.95 That gets you fill access to 16 websites!
  10. JD

    Alexis Monroe / Alexia Monroe / Alexis Blow / Allexis Blow / Olivia

    We extended the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale by ONE DAY. Today is the final day for another year to get membership to the entire BellaPass network including for $9.95 That gets you fill access to 16 websites!
  11. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    We extended the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale by ONE DAY. Today is the final day for another year to get membership to the entire BellaPass network including for $9.95 That gets you fill access to 16 websites!
  12. JD

    Bryci (

    We extended the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale by ONE DAY. Today is the final day for another year to get membership to the entire BellaPass network including for $9.95 That gets you fill access to 16 websites!
  13. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    I thought what i said was obvious? The tweet before it, that i was responding to said SHE'S BACK! i then said... "if I was a Talia fan... I'd consider watching her website closely in about a week" sooo....... She is back, active, updating, shooting again etc =)
  14. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    there was never a rumored b/g video other than a few fans asking/wishing for one. Talia has never done b/g on film and has no plans to.
  15. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    if I was a Talia fan... I'd consider watching her website closely in about a week.... ;)
  16. JD

    Alexis Monroe / Alexia Monroe / Alexis Blow / Allexis Blow / Olivia

    you're going to see some massive changes in her site content if you haven't already noticed. =) She's shooting with other guys, she's shooting with other girls, she's doing it all!
  17. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    That's not true. As for the active models - Bryci, Alexis, Cali and Jana all update weekly as well. Cece was updating weekly but then her guy broke up with her and she's kind of reshuffling her life, but she's getting back on track. Katie has more updates because she's shooting candids and...
  18. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    No.. this Katie banks was someone that picked a random name without using the internet to check if someone else had it. When this "katie" learned of the real Katie Banks that had the name for years before this girl appeared in porn.. she changed her stage name.
  19. JD

    Bryci (

    Read the side bar for the subreddit - if you troll, you get nuked. Simple concept. what you said, exactly... "No offense but... old bryci sets are the best sets. and as a suggestion the videos with sex should be a bit more professional, they all look the same with different clothes at the...
  20. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    She does Anal with toys, she has no interest in doing anal with her husband's cock (her words).
  21. JD

    CeCe September

    She updates weekly, but she isn't into photos so if you're looking for freebies.. you can always try and catch her on myfreecams, otherwise.. or has your fix!
  22. JD

    Bryci (

    Nice justification. You were kind of a dick with your comment, I called you on it. You can give but not take? Do you need me to point out how you were a dick? Okay.. I mentioned stats to show you're out of touch with what women weight sizes are for normal women. I never said Bryci hadn't...
  23. JD

    Bryci (

    Body shaming is lame dude. Be better than this. We're not having a baby. We're not having kids. I don't know you, nor do I know your knowledge of real women or lack there of but it's kind of strange to me that a woman that is still in the normal weight category in your eyes might be pregnant...
  24. JD

    Bryci (

    The new is now online if you hadn't checked! As with all Bella sites, when you join Bryci's site you get access to all the websites! Membership is $19.99 and considering what you get for that.. I'd like to see you find a better deal anywhere else! We're that sure you're not...
  25. JD

    Isla White

    You guys didn't let us down, hell no - sorry if I gave you that impression. I can't imagine the stress on a model in this biz, you did nothing wrong here Isla. I know first hand how hard it is to starts something from nothing and have it work. I wish it had turned out better for you guys. It...
  26. JD

    Alexis Monroe / Alexia Monroe / Alexis Blow / Allexis Blow / Olivia

    She is, because that's the only way stars can keep making money in this industry. The girls that flip from studio to studio are often out of work pretty fast if the fans don't go crazy over them. The girls are paid one time, per scene and then the studio makes all the money. Not exactly awesome...
  27. JD

    Alexis Monroe / Alexia Monroe / Alexis Blow / Allexis Blow / Olivia

    I have worked with a lot of girls in this biz and she is easily one of the sweetest, most genuine people. She just went out of her way to send my wife Bryci an unexpected birthday card and gift last week. Alexis is seriously amazing.
  28. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    New Katie Banks Galleries!
  29. JD

    Jana Fox

    New Jana Fox Galleries!
  30. JD

    Bryci (

    New Bryci Galleries!
  31. JD

    Alexis Monroe / Alexia Monroe / Alexis Blow / Allexis Blow / Olivia

    Here's some new Alexis Monroe galleries!
  32. JD

    Isla White

    Eric.. not sure if you run that affiliate site or if you're just linking.. but the link that affiliate gallery points to doesn't exist, so you're not getting Isla sales until you sign up for her new affiliate program at - then it's simply a code change and you can keep your...
  33. JD

    Isla White

    When I know the time/effort both Bryci and myself have put into a site and then I see the model suggesting we didn't do enough, yes... I get quite defensive. Perhaps I was a little harsh in my response here, my apologies to all. I think you'll find what other sites already know if you...
  34. JD

    Isla White

    You're telling a very one sided story here Isla, don't you think? It very much sounds like you're suggesting it was our fault your site didn't work out, when we both know it's not. I have not once bad mouthed you, or detailed to anyone why we chose to not continue working with you as it's...
  35. JD

    Bryci (

    Bryci's Black Friday sale is on NOW!
  36. JD

    Bryci (

    Hey man, thanks for the long post, I don't want to seem defensive or anything here, haha... it seems anytime I write a long response at times I am taken as being mad or angry and I'm anything but =) I just like to detail things more I guess. I learned a long time ago to never say never, but at...
  37. JD

    Bryci (

    hahahaha (on the idea) thx for the kind words tho man! I know what you mean but my body seems to work a little different. Winston achieves those loads because of his diet regiment, supps and celery intake. When we were shooting for dvd I was doing all this crazy shit, eating two heads of...
  38. JD

    Bryci (

    Honestly not sure man, we don't live anywhere near California.. so we only shoot with girls when we go to Cali or Vegas. No idea when next trip might be, but she's awesome.. will keep her in mind! thx for tip!
  39. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    No, she has a family, she's gone for good.
  40. JD

    Bryci (

    You guys checked out our official Pornhub channel?
  41. JD

    Alexis Monroe / Alexia Monroe / Alexis Blow / Allexis Blow / Olivia

    She films exclusive for her site ( and when someone signs up, they get access to all the BellaPass sites (10+ and we add more often - see my sig) at no upsell price. We don't make people pay for extra sites in our network, we include them. I think you'll be seeing a lot of...
  42. JD

    Bryci (

    hahaha no, not me. We've never met them in real life actually, but we've known each other via dms, emails etc. We regularly go to Arizona, or at least used to. They told us next time we come down to let them know so we can grab drinks, dinner etc. As friends, don't read into it.. ha. They're...
  43. JD

    Bryci (

    thanks man, we appreciate the kind words! if you're ever bored - check us on youtube.. we try and show people we're no different than anyone else... just maybe a different job. :)
  44. JD

    Bryci (

    Bryci has tried Anal, she was fine with it but we don't plan on anything right not for the future, then again no idea. I do what she is happy with, I never ask her... hey, want to _________ - it's important to me that every decision she does in her site, her content is her decision and she...
  45. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks for the kind words man! We don't shoot with other guys though, we just film with other girls. Bryci's decision. I told her a long time back when we were looking at going into threesomes.. we can try whatever she wants. She was very fast to shoot down the idea of other guys. She simply...
  46. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    must mean your ip or ip subset is somehow banned from our domain. this is crazy rare.. dm me your ip and I can check if you like. ( will give you your ip address)
  47. JD

    CeCe September

    New Cece September Galleries! remember - when you buy a membership to (19.99/m) you get access to all the sites inside BellaPass network (no up-sell!). See sites...
  48. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    New Katie Banks Galleries!
  49. JD

    Jana Fox

    New Jana Fox Galleries!
  50. JD

    Alexis Monroe / Alexia Monroe / Alexis Blow / Allexis Blow / Olivia

    New Alexis Monroe Galleries!