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  1. F

    Heaven or Hell?

    (17) for in the gospel a righteousness from god is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "the righteous will by faith". - romans 1:17 translation - man is saved to heaven by faith alone. ps...
  2. F

    Youngest Pornstar

    well the legal age to engage in sexual activites with 18+ is well 18. anything 17 or under is considered child pornography i think.
  3. F

    pornstar meeting

    ya know homie, just callin a girl, like shoutin herre name to meet and stuff. i cant explain, just holla at me later.
  4. F

    pornstar meeting

    if u could meet one pornstar (not have sex wit) who would u holla at? i would holla at aria giovanni cuz she is fly and seems smart. peace out
  5. F

    Would You Date or Marry A Porn Star?

    i mean if yall can look at a pornstar in herre birthday suit, i think yall should be able to holla at a girl. any way, i said yeah cuz if they married me i make enough money to support my boo.
  6. F

    hey homies

    hey homies im here just for a pr/hobby basis. i hope some of ya homies like r&b records. holla a at boy if ya do (and buy album on my sig)