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  1. B

    Barbarian-busty curly haired goddess

    Maria Whittaker. Big in the 80's. Google her - there's got to be a million links!
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    Ask a British Person.......

    'Chavs' are an underclass - a bit like white trash, but with an obsession for cheapo fake gold jewellery and fake designer labels. As for why 'chav': there's two theories. One is that it's derived from the gypsy word for 'child' - 'chavi'. The other is that the Cheltenham Girls' School...
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    Ask a British Person.......

    Okay, the reason for this is that back in the day, people had to carry swords for personal protection. As the vast majority of people are right-handed, it's easier to have your sword hanging by your left leg so you can draw it with your right (try it and see). Therefore when you drew your sword...
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    Ask a British Person.......

    Umm...yes. You wouldn't say to someone "You are the dog's bollocks" usually. You'd say "My mobile phone is the dog's bollocks", for example. Don't say "Dog's balls", though - without the 'bollocks', it loses it's meaning. "Bollocks" can be an exclamation or an adjective. If someone said they'd...
  5. B

    Anyone ever got close to fucking a famous / celebrity babe?

    I banged the Queen Mother. It's true - ask her!
  6. B

    Ask a British Person.......

    If they do use those words, they should be deported to America! I've not heard anybody use those terms...yet. But then I have well educated friends... That's "Queue". Etymology: French, literally, tail, from Old French cue, coe, Latin cauda, coda
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    Ask a British Person.......

    Sausages are called bangers (slang, not official!) because if you don't prick them they can explode. Not like C4 explode, but 'bang' open... Knickers/panties...dunno. They were called knickers in Britain before they were called panties in America, though. Victoria Beckham is a living example...