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  1. slowhand

    Check Out My New Video :)

    very Nice video Dixie Dash. :thumbsup:
  2. slowhand

    I'm not sure hopely my rep button is not broken. ;)

    I'm not sure hopely my rep button is not broken. ;)
  3. slowhand

    New Zealand's colossal squid defies legends

    WELLINGTON (AFP) - New Zealand's mysterious colossal squid, the largest of the feared and legendary species ever caught, was not the T-Rex of the oceans but a lethargic blob, new research suggests. The 495 kilogramme (1,090-pound) female, accidently hauled in by a fishing boat in the Antarctic...
  4. slowhand

    Random Statement Thread II

    Hello M12. :wave: Congrats on sig of the week. :glugglug:
  5. slowhand

    Word Association TWO

    store Coupons
  6. slowhand

    Hitch a Ride on The Word Train

  7. slowhand

    The Member Above Me....

    Will go out and buy him self a new game.
  8. slowhand

    The last person to post here WINS!

    Its Friday again I win. ;)
  9. slowhand

    Drinks and food.

    Lunch meat
  10. slowhand

    Finish the Sentence

    TV I'm all so posting on freeones. Help your self to...................
  11. slowhand

    Just a little Entertainment heads up for ya'

    I think everyone should check this movie out its called Righteous Kill with Al Pacino and Robert De Niro who play in it. Righteous Kill 2008 Official Trailer I think its going to be a great movie it comes...
  12. slowhand

    Man helps stranger from a car accident, learns 10 minutes later it's his dying wife.

    Re: Man helps stranger from a car accident, learns 10 minutes later it's his dying wi I Really feel for the guy that had to be the worse thing ever. :(
  13. slowhand

    Can anyone ID this bug?

    Pretty cool looking though there all kinds of weied looking bugs out there.
  14. slowhand


    There quite a few cheese's I like. I like American cheese Colby cheese and Cheddar Jack the list goes on I love cheese. :thumbsup:
  15. slowhand

    Danni or Kylie minogue?

    I have to go with Danni Minogue looking real hot.
  16. slowhand

    Random Statement Thread II

    Good morning everyone. :wave: I hope your TGIF is a good one. :hatsoff:
  17. slowhand

    bikini apple logo

    Looking real nice. ;)
  18. slowhand


    Now thats getting up there. ;)
  19. slowhand

    Funny as Fuck!

    Dam thats one way to get it. :D
  20. slowhand


    Looks like he has something on his mind.
  21. slowhand

    What if the other side won the war?

    Some funny stuff.
  22. slowhand

    Funny Video :) • Recent Spelling Bee

    Ha ha I bet he listen more closely next time.
  23. slowhand

    A little early for Xmas

    Thats a lot of gas.
  24. slowhand


    Yep the chipmunks are funny.
  25. slowhand

    The Member Above Me....

    Will build a new pond for the ducks.
  26. slowhand

    The Member Above Me....

    Likes to go out and have fun.
  27. slowhand

    Whale calf lost in Sydney waters bonds with yacht

    SYDNEY, Australia - A lost humpback whale calf that bonded with a yacht it seems to think is its mother will likely die within days if it doesn't find another mother to adopt it, a wildlife official said Tuesday. The 1- to 2-month-old calf was first sighted Sunday in waters off north Sydney...
  28. slowhand

    Hey Bonezstorm Thanks for the add I hope the week is a good one. :)

    Hey Bonezstorm Thanks for the add I hope the week is a good one. :)
  29. slowhand

    Word Association TWO

    eagle nest
  30. slowhand

    Hitch a Ride on The Word Train

  31. slowhand

    The Member Above Me....

    Is off dreaming of his next game to play.
  32. slowhand

    The last person to post here WINS!

    Sorry but its me again. ;)
  33. slowhand

    Armed 85-year-old Woman Stops Burglar

    Two thumbs up for her Hell I love to hear about stories like this people think older people cant take care of there self's but they prove them wrong. :thumbsup:
  34. slowhand

    What is your favorite sexual position?

    My all time fave is doggy style. :thumbsup:
  35. slowhand

    Official checked Star Member thread

    Welcome Mckenzie Star :wave: I hope you enjoy your stay with us. :hatsoff:
  36. slowhand

    Who is in your avatar?

    The lovely Erica Campbell.
  37. slowhand

    Random Statement Thread II

    Good morning everyone. :wave: I hope the day is a good one. :hatsoff:
  38. slowhand

    Male Bicycle

    I think I get one of those. ;)
  39. slowhand

    Geekiest Wedding Cake

    Yep I say it is. ;)
  40. slowhand

    This should be an ad for Wii Fit

    There is a lot of shaking going on there. ;)
  41. slowhand

    I Feel Like Eating Some Ghosts

    I bet some good eating to. ;)
  42. slowhand

    Pictures taken at the perfect moment!

    Ha ha good ones. :D
  43. slowhand

    Fingering in Olympic Wrestling...

    I guess she trying to get a good grip. ;)
  44. slowhand

    Angry Father Nails Xbox To Tree(True Story)

    I guess he up a tree with out a x box. :D
  45. slowhand

    Urgent announcement from adobe

    looks like he doing yoga lol.
  46. slowhand

    OCSM ONLINE FEATURE - Please add

    That would be a nice Idea. :thumbsup:
  47. slowhand

    Researchers say numbers aren't needed to count

    WASHINGTON - Answer this without counting: Are there more X's here XXXXXX, or here XXXXX? That's a problem facing people whose languages don't include words for more than one or two. Yet researchers say children who speak those languages are still able to compare quantities. "We argue that...
  48. slowhand

    Hitomi Tanaka

    I say big ones as well.
  49. slowhand

    Drinks and food.

    Angel hair pasta