Search results

  1. S

    Any vids of smacking cock end against big (trout-pout) collagen lips?

    I believe the term is 'Chapping' but I could be wrong... Looking for... BIG SWOLLEN DISPREPORTIONATE LIPS THESE LIPS BEING POUTED INTO A SULKY POUT/KISS SHAPE COCK REPEATEDLY SLAPPING AGAINST THEM :nanner: :thumbsup:
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    Getting Cum On Cock - GGG Style Bukkake

    In almost every GGG (German Goo Girls) Bukkake title, the main theme of each sex scene involves a woman getting covered in and being filled with cum and the next man then having penetrating sex with her in that cum covered/filled area - not afraid to get really messy cum all over the cock -...
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    Help me find this vid of super fast throat fuck

    Damn, I missed it, the link no longer works... Can someone recycle, put this up again? :confused:
  4. S

    Any vids of smacking cock end against big (trout-pout) collagen lips?

    I believe the term is 'Chapping' but I could be wrong... Looking for... BIG SWOLLEN DISPREPORTIONATE LIPS THESE LIPS BEING POUTED INTO A SULKY POUT/KISS SHAPE COCK REPEATEDLY SLAPPING AGAINST THEM :nanner: :thumbsup:
  5. S

    ;) 'Calves' wank/job - like a 'Tit' wank/job, only with Calves!

    'Calves' wank/job - like a 'Tit' wank/job, only with Calves! This should appeal to men like myself who have a MAD leg fetish that specifically focuses on the CALVES... However, the calves must be: A) Large B) Shapely C) Muscular - otherwise this would pretty much be a pointless exercise...
  6. S

    Black Girls fucking White Guys

    White man & Black woman, 'HUGE' ASS, Anal Pounding! (Doggy Style) I reckon this is my all-time ultimate sexual fantasy :hatsoff: I've seen some porn vids of this with skinny black woman... but I've always wanted to see this with Heavy-set black woman, with HUGE GIANT BLACK ASSES Please...
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    Whacky! Porn actress with glass eye!

    Baconsalt? - What a name! lol... No it's not, anyway...
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    Whacky! Porn actress with glass eye!

    Did anyone else see this porno movie? I can't remember her name, but the woman had dark hair tied tightly back in a ponytail and was blowing about 3 or so guys, and towards the end she lowered her head and removed her glass eye and let all the men cum right inside her eye hole! :eek: It was...
  9. S

    Whose face would you fuck?

    Sandra Bullock's, Michelle Pfeiffer's, Cat Deeley's, Liz Hurley's to name a few... :tongue:
  10. S

    White man & Black woman, 'HUGE' ASS, Anal Pounding! (Doggy Style)

    Thanks, she looks about the right size, too bad she don't do anal... The link to media player didn't work for me either...
  11. S

    White man & Black woman, 'HUGE' ASS, Anal Pounding! (Doggy Style)

    Sorry, where exactly would thee... video... board.... ... ... be??? :dunno:
  12. S

    'Calves' wank/job - like a 'Tit' wank/job, only with Calves!

    Tried the link above, it aint working. As for 'reading about it'... Um, thanks but I'd rather see it again... :rolleyes: Now, 'footjobs' - that's just something I don't / can't understand... BRING ON THE 'CALVES'...
  13. S

    White man & Black woman, 'HUGE' ASS, Anal Pounding! (Doggy Style)

    Awk, I missed the above link... wasn't back on in time - before it went broke... Anymore?
  14. S

    'Calves' wank/job - like a 'Tit' wank/job, only with Calves!

    More! ... MoRe!! .... :cool: ... MORE, DAMN IT!!! :eek: Come on, a Little More... :tongue:
  15. S

    White man & Black woman, 'HUGE' ASS, Anal Pounding! (Doggy Style)

    Checked Jada Fire out, she's still way to petite for what I got in mind... I mean, there MUST be some vids out there of what I've described in the title of these threads! :( :crying: :dunno: :sleep:
  16. S

    White man & Black woman, 'HUGE' ASS, Anal Pounding! (Doggy Style)

    Cheers, she has a sweet ass, and you're right - it's better than niente... But I was thinking more along the lines of Miss Auguste Moore type size of ass, and not just ANAL - but HARDCORE ANAL...
  17. S

    'Calves' wank/job - like a 'Tit' wank/job, only with Calves!

    I've seen alot of tough talk around here and not alot of follow-through... :crash: :dunno: :fight: BRING ON THE...
  18. S

    White man & Black woman, 'HUGE' ASS, Anal Pounding! (Doggy Style)

    What's the matter with you guys??? Come on! Be good Americans!... :dunno:
  19. S

    Girls you have masturbated to the most

    Top Celebs/Stars... Sandra Bullock Jennifer Lopez Salma Hayek Michelle Pfeiffer Cat Deeley Lauren Velez Liz Hurley Jennifer Tilly Natalie Mendoza Milla Jovovich Jennifer Aniston Gillian Anderson Nicole Kidman Britney Spears Gemma Bissix Hannah Tointon Julia Roberts Hayden...
  20. S

    White man & Black woman, 'HUGE' ASS, Anal Pounding! (Doggy Style)

    I reckon this is my all-time ultimate sexual fantasy :hatsoff: I've seen some porn vids of this with skinny black woman... but I've always wanted to see this with Heavy-set black woman, with HUGE GIANT BLACK ASSES :eek: :yinyang: Please post vids and or pics! :thumbsup:
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    'Calves' wank/job - like a 'Tit' wank/job, only with Calves!

    Who was that in the picture, before they took it down? ------------------------------------------------------- That was Helen Flanagan, a gorgeous young woman. Although her legs are perhaps nothing too special, she was lying in 'exactly' the correct possition... The first person to come up...
  22. S

    'Calves' wank/job - like a 'Tit' wank/job, only with Calves!

    The very definition of a minority interest - good on you ! ------------------------------------------------------- Well, I try my best... :dunno: By the way, the picture I added was deleted. I didn't know you couldn't use a celebrity pic... it's not like it was fake... Anyway, basically the...
  23. S

    'Calves' wank/job - like a 'Tit' wank/job, only with Calves!

    This should appeal to men like myself who have a MAD leg fetish that specifically focuses on the CALVES... However, the calves must be: A) Large B) Shapely C) Muscular - otherwise this would pretty much be a pointless exercise, skinny bean-pole legs won't do the job! Ok, so the woman lies on...
  24. S

    How do I post a thread to the forum please?

    I realise this must seem like a dumb question to the regulars here, but I'd apprecaite some help... Just to make clear, I don't wish to post a thread on the discussion group, I want to post a 'new subject' thread on the FORUM - the forum where you and everyone can search for things... I've...
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    women with large calves

    Re: Muscular Calves bump
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    women with large calves

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    Yevonne Ryder / Yevonne Luvette / Yevanne / Yevonne

    Re: Yevonne from littlemutt with large calves bump
  28. S

    Flower Tucci

    Re: New Style Of Flower Tucci beautiful