and more links
Re: carmen of
In case any one wants to follow Carmen on FHM here's a link. Not much new material though.
Re: carmen of
um...o.k. so Carmen's naturally hot.. why are we hiding it under a mountain of make up and photo shopping? Let Carmen's natural beauty shine!! Don't get me wrong the shot's are great, but I feel a lot of Carmen's appeal is that she's the hot chick you see at the...
Re: carmen of
We all agree to disagree very passionately. That and there aren't many day to day updates on the web that are legal... sooo..... we wait like vultures for any new stuff. Find a perch.
"Where lonely boners come to play " ha ha that's great Taylor. um... cause I'm a lame ass lonely boner. :rofl:
Any way, Shays got to be one of the best natural beauties out there! God she's great!
Re: carmen of
Ha ha I knew we didn't scare Carmen away! By the way Carmen I can never seem to make your cam shows recently They're either to early for me or I have stuff to do. :-/ Eh ...I'll make one one day! lol Any way looking forward to your site grand opening! By the way...
Re: carmen of
See I knew Abbie was a big girl and can defend her Having Carmen's site up by the end of the month would be the best Christmas present!
Re: carmen of
I'm going to ask you to refrain from baiting me into an argument. Which you have a history of doing with people.
Thanks for the updates Abbie.
Re: carmen of
Picking a fight again , aye? I was merely trying to keep things at a cooler level. Perhaps I've decided to take a new approach to the behavior around here. I'm sorry you can't except that. You can continue with your hostile behavior if you wish. By the way thanks...
Re: carmen of
Yep..once again some one is honest and get's jumped on. This isn't the CWH forums. Let's take a more subtle approach shall we? Carmen's rates are more affordable on Onhercam then they are at Camwithher. See was that so difficult?
By the way Abbie by blog do you...
Re: Amanda Pogrell
Would love to see more of Amanda! By the way since when were the action girl sets r-rated? They looked pretty pg to me. Did I miss something on over there?
Re: carmen of
::: smacks forehead ::::: ugh, then why did she have a contest to pick out her fake last name to go along with her fake first name? It's still amateur, I'm sorry it's not insulting it's just stating fact. My fault might have been in wording it a bit harshly...
Re: carmen of
Grrrrr.. why can't we edit our old posts so I don't end up double posting? Any way is it me or does Carmen seem more sexual and coming into her own in her more recent videos?
Re: carmen of
Great new vids, Carmen is ravishing as always!
Any way can we friggin relax about the whole last name bit? Let's take things out of the world of this thread and realize for a moment that most models go by a last name as well. I think we all know Carmen isn't her...
Re: carmen of
Here's a little somthin somthin for you guys. Found it on Nudiki. It was posted by a user calling themselves Onhercam. So I'm gonna assume it was Abbie and alright to post here.
I didn't want to post the link directly from Nudiki, because I figured it would have...