Search results

  1. PretoDragao

    >>> It's Official! We're looking for Miss FreeOnes 2010!

    Since the mods didn't like me posting my pictures in here, I decided to make my own thread... The "Mr. Freeones '10" Thread! :partysml::partysml::partysml:
  2. PretoDragao

    Check out this thread, Jane. I made it for Mr. Freeones '10...

    Check out this thread, Jane. I made it for Mr. Freeones '10:
  3. PretoDragao

    Hey ladies! Check out this thread if you get the chance. It's for Mr. Freeones '10...

    Hey ladies! Check out this thread if you get the chance. It's for Mr. Freeones '10:
  4. PretoDragao

    Check out this thread, Bella! It's for Mr. Freeones '10...

    Check out this thread, Bella! It's for Mr. Freeones '10!
  5. PretoDragao

    Hey Phoenix, check out this thread if you wouldn't mind. It's for a "Mr. Freeones '10" contest...

    Hey Phoenix, check out this thread if you wouldn't mind. It's for a "Mr. Freeones '10" contest and I'd like to know what you think of the idea:
  6. PretoDragao

    >>> It's Official! We're looking for Miss FreeOnes 2010!

    Wowa! It's like someone shook the beehive! There's all these girls coming out of the FO's wood-work that I've never even heard of!
  7. PretoDragao

    I hope you're having a great weekend too, Brynn! Check your inbox for a PM from me!

    I hope you're having a great weekend too, Brynn! Check your inbox for a PM from me!
  8. PretoDragao

    Geeze Brynnie, you've gotten one hell of a boost in popularity since you got OCSM

    Geeze Brynnie, you've gotten one hell of a boost in popularity since you got OCSM
  9. PretoDragao

    Bella Bellini

    Re: New babe added to FreeOnes: Bella Bellini God, I'm retarted... I finally got my sig to work! Check it out guys!
  10. PretoDragao

    >>> It's Official! We're looking for Miss FreeOnes 2010!

    Off topic images? Come on mods.... You're just jealous of my manliness!
  11. PretoDragao

    New babe added to FreeOnes: Brynn Vyndetta

    Vote Brynn for Miss Freeones '10! :iloveyou:
  12. PretoDragao

    The Fine Brothers

    I just found out about these guys today and their Youtube videos are fucking hilarious: Three Way! -
  13. PretoDragao

    Hilarious Cat Videos It's almost eight minutes long, but it's so damn funny that it's worth every second. :1orglaugh
  14. PretoDragao

    What animal would you be.

    <--- It's in the name :D
  15. PretoDragao

    Bambi Gone Wild

    Why do they have a deer in the house?
  16. PretoDragao

    Just go ahead and drop me an email. I didn't see anything about the message you sent me.

    Just go ahead and drop me an email. I didn't see anything about the message you sent me.
  17. PretoDragao

    Yea! You're an OSCM now! I'm 5'9 BTW

    Yea! You're an OSCM now! I'm 5'9 BTW
  18. PretoDragao

    I wouldn't know anything about that... lol

    I wouldn't know anything about that... lol
  19. PretoDragao

    Wasn't exactly going for Irish, but it does look minty!

    Wasn't exactly going for Irish, but it does look minty!
  20. PretoDragao

    Looks nice

    Looks nice
  21. PretoDragao

    Anytime Miss Brynn... anytime :P

    Anytime Miss Brynn... anytime :P
  22. PretoDragao

    >>> It's Official! We're looking for Miss FreeOnes 2010!

    Gratz Brynn! :nanner:
  23. PretoDragao

    Lol, I don't have my degree quite yet, but when I do, I'm hoping to get a job with the military...

    Lol, I don't have my degree quite yet, but when I do, I'm hoping to get a job with the military working with plasma and lasers. :violent:
  24. PretoDragao

    >>> It's Official! We're looking for Miss FreeOnes 2010!

  25. PretoDragao

    Well, I'm an electrical engineering student, so I'm the epitome of nerdiness :P

    Well, I'm an electrical engineering student, so I'm the epitome of nerdiness :P
  26. PretoDragao

    That's about as nerdy as I can get :P

    That's about as nerdy as I can get :P
  27. PretoDragao

    y=∫_10^13〖2x dx〗 You want to solve this integral with me? PS The answer is 69

    y=∫_10^13〖2x dx〗 You want to solve this integral with me? PS The answer is 69
  28. PretoDragao

    It's about Alchemy... It's for some bullshit philosophy class I had to take...

    It's about Alchemy... It's for some bullshit philosophy class I had to take...
  29. PretoDragao

    Beautiful eyes

    Back off Hopper! I called dibs! :fight::tongue:
  30. PretoDragao

    Hey, you've got me with the same thing. I've got a 5 page paper due in a few hours, but I just...

    Hey, you've got me with the same thing. I've got a 5 page paper due in a few hours, but I just can't stop talking to you. :lovecoupl
  31. PretoDragao

    Beautiful eyes

    You can just attach them. I've seen some of the other girls do it as well.
  32. PretoDragao

    Beautiful eyes

    I knew it! I had a hunch that since you're from New England that you're a Patriots fan too! As for hardcore pics, you're allowed to post them; the other girls do it all the time.
  33. PretoDragao

    >>> It's Official! We're looking for Miss FreeOnes 2010!

    Oh it's on now, Brynn! *SMACK*:tongue:
  34. PretoDragao
  35. PretoDragao

    Beautiful eyes

    Here's another pair of soul piercers from the soon to be OCSM, the lovely Miss Brynn Vyndetta!
  36. PretoDragao

    The 'SOUTH PARK' Thread

    Tonight's episode fell far from the tree... I only had a few little giggles at most:(
  37. PretoDragao

    VOTE PRETO DRAGAO FOR MR. FREEONES '10! :partysml::partysml::partysml...

    VOTE PRETO DRAGAO FOR MR. FREEONES '10! :partysml::partysml::partysml:
  38. PretoDragao

    >>> It's Official! We're looking for Miss FreeOnes 2010!

    One down and the rest of the women on this forum left to go! :thumbsup:
  39. PretoDragao


  40. PretoDragao

    If you could turn one person into a porn star?

    Agreed. She'd make a great pornstar.
  41. PretoDragao

    >>> It's Official! We're looking for Miss FreeOnes 2010!

    If the mods decide to delete the photos, you can see them on my profile in my album. You have to be one of my friends though, or it won't let you.
  42. PretoDragao

    >>> It's Official! We're looking for Miss FreeOnes 2010!

    So yea... VOTE PRETO DRAGAO FOR MR. FREEONES '10! :partysml::partysml::partysml: Because I was the only one with enough balls to post some pics!
  43. PretoDragao

    >>> It's Official! We're looking for Miss FreeOnes 2010!

    Well, I don't have any ass shots, but here's one of me in my jersey last year... (I can't believe I'm actually doing this) And my senior picture... and me getting my black belt (kind of a side ass shot?)... [Please Note: the attachment in this post has been deleted by moderator AFA] [Read...
  44. PretoDragao

    >>> It's Official! We're looking for Miss FreeOnes 2010!

    VOTE PRETO DRAGAO FOR MR. FREEONES '10! :partysml::partysml::partysml:
  45. PretoDragao


    Well, love isn't exactly the word I'd use....
  46. PretoDragao

    Best Movie Stunt Ever?

    The semi-truck flip in the Dark Knight (they actually did it!)
  47. PretoDragao

    Fancy that?

  48. PretoDragao

    Blonde Hottie - Looks A Little Evil

    The picture isn't showing up, try posting it again
  49. PretoDragao


    I might try it, but with Assassin's Creed II and Modern Warfare II coming out this month I don't know if I'll have enough cash to spare.
  50. PretoDragao

    What kind of grades did you get in school?

    I did really good in highschool with a 3.8, but now I'm sucking ass in college with a 2.4 However 3.0 is considered genius when you're in the engineering program and can get you any job you want when you graduate, so I'm not doing too bad.