Search results

  1. mrtrebus

    Tony Bennett: George Bush told me Iraq war was 'a mistake'

    Shame on you. :dislike:
  2. mrtrebus

    What are you listening to right now?

  3. mrtrebus


    I always sleep naked. We come into this world naked. Nudity is the ultimate human state of innocence before the inevitable corruptability of our morally decadent age.
  4. mrtrebus

    Kindergartener brings crack pipe, meth for show-and-tell

    Only in America. . .a sorry state of affairs.
  5. mrtrebus


    Mmm, nothing else. (he asked him hopefully)
  6. mrtrebus

    R.E.M. calls it quits

    :D On the radio the DJ read out an email which said, hearing about REM breaking up is like hearing about someone famous dying who you thought had died years ago!
  7. mrtrebus

    Tony Bennett: George Bush told me Iraq war was 'a mistake'

    Ageist! :nono: Please do not be so prejudiced!!! :mad: Proverbs 16:31 (KJV) The silver-haired head is a crown of glory, if it is found in the way of righteousness.
  8. mrtrebus

    Tony Bennett: George Bush told me Iraq war was 'a mistake'
  9. mrtrebus

    R.E.M. calls it quits Yes!! Great news!!! RIP REM!!! Fucking terrible group!!! :partysml:
  10. mrtrebus

    Why do men troll certain P*'s pages & beg 4 IR?

    Incorrect. WE HATE YOU!!! There is NO special relationship!! :mad:
  11. mrtrebus

    South African dies by trying to take photos of his dick.

    He wasn't taking photo's of his dick. FAIL!!!
  12. mrtrebus

    What Are You Drinking Right Now?

    Pressed Apple Juice & Raspberry (Marks & Spencer)
  13. mrtrebus

    No faith in flesh: art exposes Christianity's original sin
  14. mrtrebus

    How many people here have cut the cable on TV?

    Not a fan of BBC Four? :(
  15. mrtrebus

    Drinks and food.

    Keerai Masiyal
  16. mrtrebus

    The Movie Music Thread

    ihF_aXi-Huk KSY4Yi2ypno&feature=related
  17. mrtrebus

    Miss Hybrid - official thread

    "Circle in the sand" :sing:
  18. mrtrebus

    Saying "I love you"

    Er, congrats on the rep I guess. . .it appears to be important to you for some reason? :dunno:
  19. mrtrebus

    What are you listening to right now?

  20. mrtrebus

    Saying "I love you" :dunno:
  21. mrtrebus

    Drinks and food.

  22. mrtrebus

    I'm 23, and I just got a circumcision...

    Women?!? We are talking female circumcision now?!? :dunno:
  23. mrtrebus

    Saying "I love you"

    Yeah, well done you worked it out we are the same person. :rolleyes: Give the man a coconut & we are ALWAYS online at the same time? We have been absent for EXACTLY the same amount of time? Incorrect but never let a simple thing like the facts get in the way of Ker-azy conspiracy theorists!
  24. mrtrebus

    Miss Hybrid - official thread

    I'm trying to picture that. . .but am having some difficulty. :crying:
  25. mrtrebus

    Bloomburg's lavish taste.

    You would live like this if you had their power!!! You probably already do! :cool:
  26. mrtrebus

    Obama derides fat cats, then meets them for dinner to collect cash...

    Yes but none of them are as good as the Big O!!! Viva Obama!!!! :bowdown:
  27. mrtrebus

    How many people here have cut the cable on TV?

    Circumcising transvestites?!? :dunno:
  28. mrtrebus

    What pisses you off?

    Why say this then. Contradictory swine!! But a pimple on the ass may be quite worrisome, it could be cancerous. I'll take a look at it for you baby x :booty:
  29. mrtrebus

    What pisses you off?

    Worrying?!? :dunno:
  30. mrtrebus

    Favourite Movie Quotes

    Jim Kelly & his crew likes Maccy Ds! ExA9erdhB5E
  31. mrtrebus

    Obama derides fat cats, then meets them for dinner to collect cash...

    No. He a realist. Go Go Go Big O!!!
  32. mrtrebus

    House to probe Obama...

    :nono: More smears against a great man!!
  33. mrtrebus

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Billy Idol - Hot In The City
  34. mrtrebus

    What pisses you off?

    Edwardian tailors.
  35. mrtrebus

    What are you listening to right now?

  36. mrtrebus

    Canadian film-maker's bionic eye :cool:
  37. mrtrebus

    How many people here have cut the cable on TV?

    I just watch the basic freeview channels here in glorious Great Britain. All the rest is shit & you know what I am talking about y'all!
  38. mrtrebus

    The Movie Music Thread

    :nono: Not a movie! :mad:
  39. mrtrebus

    Shemale wall posters?
  40. mrtrebus

    Just a test to see if Im doing attchments right

    mrtrebus wanna be attached to you! :shy:
  41. mrtrebus

    The Movie Music Thread

  42. mrtrebus

    Saying "I love you"

    Really? News to me. . .(& extremely unfunny news at that!) :dislike:
  43. mrtrebus

    What are you listening to right now?

  44. mrtrebus

    Psychic Sally Morgan hears voices from the other side (via a hidden earpiece)
  45. mrtrebus

    Biblical storms: John Martin's Apocalypse – in pictures