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  1. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    LOL You cwazy Whimsexual! ;)
  2. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    Sounds good...minus the rest...have to work...can't afford not to!
  3. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    Couldn't sleep! :( Have a bad cold!
  4. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    Dang Arti! Won't be long until you have you a FOs T shirt! :thumbsup:
  5. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    :wave: Hiya fellas!
  6. drdeath67

    Hiya Vicky! :wave:

    Hiya Vicky! :wave:
  7. drdeath67

    So do you! *hugz* I'm really glad we are friends Monica! Hope we can become great friends...

    So do you! *hugz* I'm really glad we are friends Monica! Hope we can become great friends! It's really nice to talk with you! :D
  8. drdeath67

    Good luck Bree! Have a safe trip! Let me know when you get there so I know that you made it...

    Good luck Bree! Have a safe trip! Let me know when you get there so I know that you made it safely! *hugz*
  9. drdeath67

    Francesca Dani

    :eek: Sweet!
  10. drdeath67

    Oh! So sorry if it frightens you! I'm really an extremely nice guy! I just love scary movies! ;)

    Oh! So sorry if it frightens you! I'm really an extremely nice guy! I just love scary movies! ;)
  11. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    Ya know, people tell me I never finish what I start but I have one thing to say to them...
  12. drdeath67

    The last person to post here WINS!

    until now! :D
  13. drdeath67

    Rate the signature above you

    10/10! Very cool! :thumbsup:
  14. drdeath67

    What do you mean?

    What do you mean?
  15. drdeath67

    Besides being SUPER cold here things are great! How have you been buddy?

    Besides being SUPER cold here things are great! How have you been buddy?
  16. drdeath67

    Hi Monica!!!!!!!! :wave: Hope you have an AWESOME weekend!

    Hi Monica!!!!!!!! :wave: Hope you have an AWESOME weekend!
  17. drdeath67

    Hiya mate! :D

    Hiya mate! :D
  18. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    That's kinda scary! :eek:
  19. drdeath67

    Awe! You made my day! *blushes* The new year has been great so far! Hope yours has been great...

    Awe! You made my day! *blushes* The new year has been great so far! Hope yours has been great! Sorry no good stories yet but the year's still young! ;) *hugz*
  20. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    I LOVE Tool! They are like my favorite band!:thumbsup:
  21. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

  22. drdeath67

    Nah! I'm just being honest! Ask anyone and they'll say you're awesome too...cuz you are! :D

    Nah! I'm just being honest! Ask anyone and they'll say you're awesome too...cuz you are! :D
  23. drdeath67

    YAY!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for adding me Christine! You are so awesome! *hugz*

    YAY!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for adding me Christine! You are so awesome! *hugz*
  24. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    Hey Smitticus!
  25. drdeath67

    Women Smoking

    WOW! :eek:
  26. drdeath67

    The Member Above Me....

    Is one of the best artists I've ever had the pleasure of knowing!
  27. drdeath67

    Hiya Jamie! :wave:

    Hiya Jamie! :wave:
  28. drdeath67

    The Member Above Me....

    Is one of my oldest internet buds!
  29. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    Night buddy! :wave:
  30. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    Cuz i'm FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  31. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    Dude if I got paid every time I had sex I would have negative money! :(
  32. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    I love that! LOL!
  33. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    *hands whimspimp 2 quarters and a dime* Been a slow night! ;)
  34. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    Sup me bitches? :D
  35. drdeath67

    Ur so awesome! :D

    Ur so awesome! :D
  36. drdeath67

    Yes I was away my friend! My PC died a horrible death from a virus! But I'm back...but only on...

    Yes I was away my friend! My PC died a horrible death from a virus! But I'm back...but only on my brother's PC....which has no graphics programs on it! :(
  37. drdeath67

    Test Area V

  38. drdeath67

    Thanks so much for adding me Bree! You are so awesome! :wave:

    Thanks so much for adding me Bree! You are so awesome! :wave:
  39. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

  40. drdeath67

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Dario Argento's Suspiria!
  41. drdeath67

    Official checked Star Member thread

    :eek:We love you too Annie! :lovecoupl
  42. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

  43. drdeath67

    Test Area V

    She looks great in everything she wears....or doesn't wear! :D
  44. drdeath67

    Test Area V

    Very cool Smittles!
  45. drdeath67

    The movie "Legion." Will It Piss Off Religious Folk?

    I don't care what anyone says about it or who it pisses off, I wanna see it!
  46. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    Night Whimster!
  47. drdeath67

    Hate More...

    websites that give viruses Movie sequels or movie remakes?
  48. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    *calls FO:CSI*
  49. drdeath67

    I wish! :D

    I wish! :D
  50. drdeath67

    Random Statement Thread II

    Might have been a banned member trying to come back undercover! Happens all the time!