She's on tainster nearly every day doing live cam shows. You can PM her on the community...
Agreed. They don't really grasp the enormity of their fan-base and how one can still remain profitable from that fan-base. Interaction is king.
The burden of proof is still rests on you to, prove to this thread, that you are indeed speaking with the real Sandy. If you've been on webcam with...
You and her "manager" have been IMing all summer... you never said you spoke directly with her. Only that he was relaying info and you were giving him money. I'm not sure what you mean by "she let me into her webcam account"?? If her manager is running a scam, then more than likely he was...
She's still very much in the industry, just not doing scenes right now.
Well, this confirms what I said above. She's still around! You're Lucky to even be in NY near her, which is where she's living now, I believe. Why can't you go? :crying:
Personal? :facepalm:
You mean the website where her pic and video sets from are reposted as "content" and there's no exclusive content whatsoever? The same "personal" site on which she's not appeared for a live cam show since February 15th 2011? Where she hasn't updated her blog in...
I disagree.
Why or how should other civilisations even exist? Well, considering our galaxy is middle-aged, there are over 100 billion stars in our galaxy (80% of them being very much like our own Sun (G2) G, K, M), and enough time has elapsed for another civilisation to come make use of the EM...
Sandee's Fleshlight is still in-stock and avaliable in the UK for purchase anywhere in the world. How do I know? I just got mine yesterday! :nanner::nanner:
The person posting in this thread purporting to be Katie "missmannequin" was never in-fact proven to be Katie. :noway: A fake blog and an avatar do not make a legitimate identification.
She was given numerous recommendations to register herself as OSCM which involves a PM and fan sign to prove...
Re: Threads to merge?
Please merge and title "Julie / Julia / Roxy From MoneyTalks".
It's called a typo and to be expected from most online newspapers today as they don't proof read their articles. It's her. :brick:
Source: Her facebook.
Re: Prinzzess
Here's a higher quality shot:
Does this mean there's a chance of BG? :surprise::surprise:
Link to video: Nika @ 1:00
Fingers crossed and plus, it doesn't look like they've reused her outfit from an old scene. They may have shot it before she retired? :crying:
Yes. :bang:
She has no interest in acknowledging any of her online fans. I believe he's referring to her preference to escort over shooting scenes. :bang:
Wrong forum to ask for this. :brick::brick::brick:
It's called FreeOnes for a reason. ;)
Especially when it's an iPhone!! He's got amazing control to handle that, let alone Sandee! And oh my science, the video is amazing! :surprise::surprise::surprise::surprise: