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  1. Deepcover

    Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez Pulls A Joe Biden But On The Indians That Live In Teepees

    The part where she was laughing or when she said shocking?
  2. Deepcover

    Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez Pulls A Joe Biden But On The Indians That Live In Teepees

    That's a good thing no? - - - Updated - - - Not bad looking @ all
  3. Deepcover

    Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez Pulls A Joe Biden But On The Indians That Live In Teepees

    Soon as DC puts up a photo of Kamala Harris she is now already in the news...Not bad for a hot 50 year old.
  4. Deepcover

    Queen Latifah?

    Well i'm pretty open minded so why not...When she had her own show she actually looked really good and she wasn't overweight as others here claim her to be...She's cute and I think I could get her to admiring dick again lol
  5. Deepcover

    Queen Latifah?

    The DC would give her a me naïve but that's just the DC...
  6. Deepcover


  7. Deepcover

    Feel Guilty After Masturbating?

    Guess it's no different if a guy asked a girl to sleep with him @ his place she will most likely answer no but if a guy says to woman that she should come over cause he recently bought this cool ass technology that will blow her mind, most likely she will go to his place to check it out and the...
  8. Deepcover

    Sarah Palin... other than the obvious, what is wrong with this woman???

    Palin must also be getting strong support from the teabag party.
  9. Deepcover

    Faux "News" Bill O'Reilly Supreme Pinhead Busted Again!

    Bill O' Reilly is against rap music and also a petty wife beater? BOOOOOOOOOOO!
  10. Deepcover

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    You know. strangely I haven't even seen The Road Warrior yet. Isn't that kinda sad?
  11. Deepcover

    Porno dan wears tighty whities

    Tighty what????
  12. Deepcover

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) Didn't expect this picture to be so great.
  13. Deepcover

    9 Bikers Dead in Rival Gang Shootout

    You guys got this from Fox News didn't you?
  14. Deepcover

    How do you feel about Non-White porn actors (other than Blacks) banging White women?

    revamp's body was cremated three years ago...The FO staff has gotten custody of his ashes
  15. Deepcover

    What are you listening to right now?

  16. Deepcover

    Well hello guys :)

    Hello MrWoods:)
  17. Deepcover

    Faux "News" and The Decline of America

    You two do have a point...thanks for making me see the light.
  18. Deepcover

    Faux "News" and The Decline of America

    Call me naïve but the DC don't believe he's a fraud but that's just the DC...
  19. Deepcover

    Do you get chills/goosebumps when it comes to the America flag?

    Patriotism just freaks me out man as with American Exceptionalism. Very dangerous. People in Canada hardly show the Canadian flag unless it's from big companies or maybe in expressiong Canadian patriotism in hockey games idk...
  20. Deepcover

    Faux "News" and The Decline of America

    Don't be so mad...You should've said hi.
  21. Deepcover

    Christianity in Decline, U.S Becoming Less Religious

    Just look @ it as politics lol... In the mean time here's a jam to keep your balls and pecker happy... FnH_zwVmiuE
  22. Deepcover

    Christianity in Decline, U.S Becoming Less Religious

    She's already starting a Holy War with Johan...those two were really made for each other even if DC says so DC self.
  23. Deepcover

    Christianity in Decline, U.S Becoming Less Religious

    You guys are only upset cause you wish she was more of a conservative. If she was a conservative you guys would have no problem getting along with her but you guys can't stand that she is for the left. Well have no fear because you got Sabrina Deep agreeing with most of your political views...
  24. Deepcover


  25. Deepcover

    White fellas, have you ever fucked a black girl?

    I guess you're right...Time to start a new day
  26. Deepcover

    Porno Dan is an American Treasure.

    Have to agree...Wormy is right again...Plus, DC will prolly be the new AHOTY
  27. Deepcover

    What are you listening to right now?

  28. Deepcover

    White fellas, have you ever fucked a black girl?

    DC went to a Catholic school too...Plus i'm Catholic dire need of redemption. - - - Updated - - - She's got to be the hottest woman on MSNBC @tm
  29. Deepcover

    Faux "News" and The Decline of America

  30. Deepcover

    White fellas, have you ever fucked a black girl?

    How about Tamron Hall? DC remembers a few members here found her sexy...
  31. Deepcover

    White fellas, have you ever fucked a black girl?

    DC haven't met any Black ladies lately or fucked any before and the ones DC likes are mostly into White or Latino guys...
  32. Deepcover

    White fellas, have you ever fucked a black girl?

    No. She's a full fledge woman and American. So you can breath easy...
  33. Deepcover

    Vatican recognizes state of Palestine in new treaty

    How many times are you going to give rep to that arrogant schmuck????? :facepalm:
  34. Deepcover

    White fellas, have you ever fucked a black girl?

    She's got a bit of a sexy nasal voice.
  35. Deepcover

    Faux "News" and The Decline of America

    I've seen clips of him shaking hands with whites...Plus MSNBC gave him a good job...they wouldn't give him a good job if he were a true racist.
  36. Deepcover

    Faux "News" and The Decline of America

    I see him as the type of man who is willing to fight and go to jail for his people...So again I don't see how he is seen as a racist.
  37. Deepcover

    Faux "News" and The Decline of America

    MSNBC got a few attractive black chicks and one tranny who DC honestly thought was a born woman.
  38. Deepcover

    Faux "News" and The Decline of America

    Al Sharpton a racist???? That's empossible:shy:
  39. Deepcover

    White fellas, have you ever fucked a black girl?

    BC would you do Goldie Taylor?
  40. Deepcover

    You mad?

    Blame the system...In any case you sound like a closeted conservative...A Kirsten Powers type:nono:
  41. Deepcover

    Faux "News" and The Decline of America

    Fox News should hire a tranny...that would be an absolute riot.
  42. Deepcover

    Faux "News" and The Decline of America

    The DC has started watching MSNBC...Al Sharpton, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, Rene Marsh, Krystal Ball, Chris Hayes, Chris Matthews, Melissa Harris Perry...Not bad.
  43. Deepcover

    Who are you obsessed with at the moment? / Who are you really into right now?

    Re: Who are you obsessed with at the moment? Caroline Dhavernas...
  44. Deepcover

    U.S Ranks Last in Paid Maternity Leave

    Who's the idiot now? Don't recall you commenting on the latest vids on American Exceptionalism...hmm?
  45. Deepcover

    RIP The King of the Blue - BB King.

    RIP a true legend...A great man BB King.
  46. Deepcover

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Coming Home (1978) Sad movie. Great anti war picture...Kind of reminds me of Born on the Fourth of July made years later.
  47. Deepcover

    What are you listening to right now?

  48. Deepcover


  49. Deepcover

    Interracial Thread
