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  • I'm exactly the same way! I have tons of DVDs I've bought at discount prices due to the fact that they were previous rentals! I'm soooooooooooo addicted to buying DVDs! LOL
    Every time I see your profile picture it makes me want to see [rec] I bought the DVD yesterday and was blown away! It's very gritty and very creepy! Just how I like my movies! lol I also have Quarantine (the Hollywood remake) as well but I like the original Spanish version much better! :thumbsup:
    Hah, thanks! I've seen the t-shirt so someday I'll end up getting it. Can never have too many cthulhu shirts.
    drdeath67's sig is unfortunately a former winner.

    Therefore, your vote is null and void. Please feel free to vote again. "Competition" has been extended to 0500 Saturday GMT to accommodate this.

    Apologies for the inconvenience.
    Yes I was away my friend! My PC died a horrible death from a virus! But I'm back...but only on my brother's PC....which has no graphics programs on it! :(
    Thanks so much for clearing up the meaning of the "All your base are belong to Freeones". lisa lucie
    Hey Patrick! Love your new sig! I just bought that movie and watched it yesterday! Loved it! :thumbsup:
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