Timbobjambo Dec 18, 2008 Hi m8, How have you been? I saw this site recently http://www.drawergeeks.com thought maybe you like it.
Hi m8, How have you been? I saw this site recently http://www.drawergeeks.com thought maybe you like it.
KungFuDude Dec 10, 2008 Hey Wille, how's it hanging? http://img33.picoodle.com/img/img33/3/12/9/f_Splatm_14e7a8d.gif
Timbobjambo Nov 27, 2008 Same here browsing the forum trying to avoid all the gay topics which seem to be very popular lately.
Same here browsing the forum trying to avoid all the gay topics which seem to be very popular lately.
HeyFellas Nov 26, 2008 No, my old laptop packed in, so I tried to fix it for ages, but no luck. Got a brand new one now, so I'm starting all over again.
No, my old laptop packed in, so I tried to fix it for ages, but no luck. Got a brand new one now, so I'm starting all over again.
HeyFellas Nov 26, 2008 My broadband, thankfully. :thumbsup: Just got my new laptop today, did you miss me? :wave2:
Skyraider22 Nov 22, 2008 Cool that is great always great to met someone new I add you to my friend list