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  • hey blueballs, hows it goin man?? so did you hear about that time whimsy and i got pulled over for speeding? the cop said he'd let us go if our dicks measured a total sum of 12 and a half inches. so i pulled my dick out and it measures 12 inches. Whimsy pulls his out and it measures one half inch. no ticket! as we drove away, i said i was glad my dick was twelve inches. whimsy said he was just glad he was sportin a hard on. ;)
    Long live Claire 'Worst Babysitter' Redfield and Jill 'Jill Sandwich' Valentine!
    I tried the demo of Jericho, but I did not like it, but it deserved a playthrough(the demo that is)

    The movie itself is great, kinda like a new generation of Hellraiser

    There's also Clive Barker's Jericho, which is a game
    Have you seen Book of Blood? It's based on two short stories by the legendary Clive Barker
    lol @ chili dude!
    I can see you don't want to talk about your troubles my dear boy. That's good, bury them deep, so deep that you forget all about them. So that the next time someone crosses me you can let it all out on their sweet little newb behind and you won't know why.

    This is how we've operated since the time a memorial. It worked then and it shall work now.

    Dirk is a lovely girl. I'm sure you'll have a happy few hours in his company. It'll take your mind off of all this jealousy business.

    Ahhh, another of the flock has joined us \/\/\/ my dear Lust has arrived. :kiss:
    man today is gonna suck. i'm about to actually have to do work at work. thats like illegal or something isnt it? anyway, i'm outta here. just had to post my funnies before i took off.

    and what the hell is blueballs talkin bout down there? hey blueballs, lets have an ongoing conversaton on whimsy's message page but not include whimsy! how cool would that be!

    have a better thursday than me doodz
    You seem to have become bitter my friend. Your mind is under my control and no matter how hard you try to break free from my grasp you know you never will.

    My advice to you is to go home, take one of the girls wit-cha and forget all your troubles.

    I'm sure Dirk is free tonight. Go nuts. ;)
    Remind me again what I would have done differently to that which you have done already?

    - Link posted to original thread? Check!
    - Mentioning my name and glorifying it as some sort of Supreme Being that needs to be feared by all who cross it? Check!
    - Wrath! Wrath! Wrath! ? Check!

    You see my dear boy, I have no need to even set foot in this duplicate thread and spout my many, many obscenities at this poor fellow because I have you and many others who see wrong doing connected with my illustrious name, who will gladly jump on it and "fix" it for me.

    I thank you for this. Your work will not go unnoticed, reparations are on there way.

    God has spoken!
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