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  • It is in a sense. However I don't think it would go over too well. Though in that game you can kill the kids you get labeled as child killer and people hate you.
    Ooh lol

    Nah. Especially since most people wouldn't understand it. You don't want to be known around the board for that one thread you thought would be great but turns out it went south lol
    Howdy. About to eat breakfast lol

    Well as long as it does not break rules or anything I say it'd be ok.
    Well I am off to play some more Fallout before sleep demands attention!

    Have a great day. :hatsoff:
    The copy I have now is borrowed from a friend. I plan on getting the GOTY (360) later this year, or after I complete the game and a few other games.

    So many games, so little time.
    I've had raiders walk on their own mines before. Yeah. The game is nowhere near short unless you just rush through with the main story line and screw everything else out there. There is a lot to do. I never understood how people can complain so much about a game, let alone how short the game is, when I am 55 hours into it and just begun to scratch the main story surface. I am only three missions in now I think lol
    I'm about 55 some hours into the game and I just finally did the Tranquility Lane quest and found my father, needing to go to Rivet City, I'm too busy doing everything else that I can lol

    I haven't found the Wazer or Lincoln's rilfe yet. I'm just randomly walking around, taking things, I have 29K caps, and having fun in the Wastes. I'm being good my first play through. My next one I will play a female character and be evil. I'm debating about doing the Slavers quests in Paradise Falls.
    Where he will die by deathclaws (I hate those things!) or if you bug him three times he will attack you and you can kill him. Poor guy. Lost his dicta-- err, republic.
    He did the 24hour thing on me right off the bat. I reloaded. I think I stole everything from him. I still need to rig the election. I'm having a hard time doing that...
    Every time I shot Tenpenny his head would go over the rail, I'd jump up on the rail and watch it fall. It was neat. The one time I shot him his whole body went over except for a few chunks here and there; his body rained down over the balcony in a bloody spectacle.
    Right now I am in middle of the shoot em in the head quest by Mister Crowley. I plan on killing Tenpenny for his awesome red suit, screw Crowley over and take the armor! BWAHAH!

    Have you played Gun for the 360?
    Megaton looks good. So does Tenpenny Tower for vacationing. Tapping rich, snobby ass and ruining their lives! Hella yeah lol

    I haven't found every major place or anything but so far would stick with Megaton and get wasted in The Underworld. Hang with my Ghoulas.
    Vacation? Just quit your job, buy as many bottled drinks as you can to keep the bottle caps for when the real Fallout happens, you'll be ready!

    We can form our own Tenpenny Tower or Rivet-like City. :yesyes:
    FO: Vegas is going to be my life consumer. I already have my break up letter written, my two week notice paper ready, and welfare checks ready to go... :tongue:
    Awesome! I'd be playing that if I didn't get back into Fallout 3. These two games have been my summer hits.
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