I took Sin out in two hits due to I was so overpowered by doing monster collection, random fighting, and so much more. I was doing up to 99,999 to 999,999 damage with characters based off of their statistics and items. That is how I am in RPGs.
Getting back into Fallout 3, playing Mass Effect before I get Mass Effect 2, and playing old Xbox games. Are the glitches in New Vegas as bad as the videos show them to be or is it random?
I bet because of the whole Fallout fiasco!
I only buy games full price if I truly want the game and know I will love it no matter what. Or I buy it when it goes under $30.
You should tell your sister to break up with her boyfriend if he does not appreciate the Fallout game. Any Fallout. It does not matter. If he can turn down Fallout... imagine how he will treat her later on in life. :tongue:
Gamefly does look good. I know that. I think I might try it out when time comes for games I just want to casually play and not really invest price in. Only few games I truly buy and keep forever.
Thanks for pouring salt in my gaming wound!!! :tongue:
I rather enjoyed Batman AA. I love the fact they stick to the comics for the most part. It isn't some commercial piece of shit released under a name that most people trust. These folks truly do know what they are doing. Even kept true to the voices of the characters.