M M Member 1098 Sep 18, 2008 I hope youre having a wonderful day/night . Yeah, you should still remember me Nichelle aka ~*Nikki*~ Anyways, I hope youre doing ok!
I hope youre having a wonderful day/night . Yeah, you should still remember me Nichelle aka ~*Nikki*~ Anyways, I hope youre doing ok!
TunnelOfLove Aug 23, 2008 I wish I would live in Pittsburgh, at least I would have Lemieux and Crosby on my side...
senob44 Aug 23, 2008 My doctor said I wouldn't have so many nosebleeds if I could just keep my finger out of there.... Didn't want to keep leading the thread off-topic, you never know, our new mods may be a little overzealous in the beginning.. :eek:
My doctor said I wouldn't have so many nosebleeds if I could just keep my finger out of there.... Didn't want to keep leading the thread off-topic, you never know, our new mods may be a little overzealous in the beginning.. :eek:
georges Aug 7, 2008 hi wanted to say hi and hoping all goes for the best on your side. regards georges