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  • Ha Ha,

    hatte zuerst echt selber bissl flotten Otto, da hatte ich schon etwas Panik, aber nun ist alles okiedokie
    Hi Supadupafly,
    I've submitted an entry to be posted on the Identify/Name the babe section but it hasn't come up. Could you check this for me please? I am new to the forum, and am not sure if the post complies with the regs! ~Thanks.
    I just checked, 'Bückstabü' is a word which second part the singer made up. I think that it is a variation of 'Bückstück', 'Stück' means 'Piece', this word gets used for referring like piece of ass etc, along those lines.
    I have a question that requires your language expertise. Ramms+ein has a song that appears on the album as B********. The other day when I was setting up the show I saw the set list, and it listed it as Bückstabü. My question is, what in the hell does Bückstabü mean? According to my limited knowledge of your language, bück means to bend over, but I have never seen the second part of the word. Why is it censored on the album? Thanks, buddy!
    Hi dakor... bei mir (ich habe inzwischen drei verschiedene Shirts) war es so ungefähr eine Woche. Immer neutral verpackt und alles entspannt gelaufen.
    Hey, läuft das alles ohne Probleme wenn ich mir ein Freeones-Shirt nach Deutschland bestelle? Wie lange dauerts ungefähr bis es ankommt?
    Ach ick kann ja Deutsch mit dir reden. :o

    War nicht böse gemeint aber irgendwie guckst du gruselig in deinem Bild. ;)
    Lexy! I AM YOU UNKLE ^^ < Breath, Breath >

    No, I am a guy from Germany :)

    Good to have you @ FreeOnes
    Oh well, some issues are pretty easy and fast, some take time. But it is good to help the people who provide us with all those great videos and galleries with piece of mind, keeping trolls and harassers in check.

    Well, as I am the only one online, guess I will have to stay awake some more LOL
    Thank you! Been translating the FreeOnes Website for display in German for viewers around the area here... so if you ever plan to go the international route... hit me up :)

    Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit lol
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