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  • Have you recovered from Tuesday night? I’m still feeling a bit empty. I suppose there is no shame in being destroyed by the best player in the world? But it doesn’t make it any easier to take. :( Chin up and fingers crossed for the last five games.
    I know! was at a christening for the most part but I made it home to see the last 20 mins! It looked pretty dire from what I saw of it so lets hope it was a one off....lethargy will not be forgiven against the yids in a few weeks time! great result though and it makes a change for us to play shit and win instead of playng great and losing!
    Hope you are well xxx
    TheVern needs to spend more time with his girl Nikki Nova....I want sweet Rebekah for all to myself. :lovecoupl
    Have you slept well? I woke up one hour ago and now I must go to school...You make too much love on your Valentines day maybe? ;)
    I'm well! relaxing in my bed after a long day..I finished playing with my orhestra just half an hour ago!! I'm alone and wandering if you would join me here!! :) how are you?
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