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  • I hope it wont be the last time I give it to you.
    I always look forward to giving rep to those who deserve it and those who give it to me :)

    I will always be a victim of it as well come to think of it akhilpuri :D well as long as that picture remains as it is. It is one of if not THE BEST signature I have seen yet on here. It definitely suits the whole vibe of the site we're on hehe.
    I understand completely pal. And I agree.

    Thing is, these days it doesn't pay to be too nice or too honest. Otherwise you will just get fucked over like everyone else who is honest. My dad who is 78 has worked his whole life and he keeps saying that the working man has nothing (in the UK) those who don't work have it all. Cars, money, flat screen tv's, holidays, houses (inside) that make Buck Palace look like a garden shed, etc. And it's true. The working man is fucked when it comes to taxes. To win in the lottery you need to be a rapist or drug dealer or some other criminal type. Normal honest people rarely win BIG in the lotto. Not long ago I read somewhere that a rapist who was out on day leave from the minimum security jail or something like that went into a shop and bought a lotto ticket. The bastard won about seven and a half million. I think his victims were talking about suing him now he has the money. I hope they do, and I hope they win!.
    I'm also in the UK and frankly I'm pissed off; I work even though I know I could make a better living breaking the law. I'm just naturally law-abiding and the way things are means that I'm pissed off with my nature rather than being pleased with it, as a person who is naturally law-abiding should be in a just world.
    I remember buying the bastard thing on VHS when it first came out. I never heard about it and walked into the shop one day and saw it there. I immediately bought it because of the first two. When I watched it it felt like it was cheaply made and just made for the sake of making it. The one liner's sounded as if they were forced.
    Yeah Beverly Hills Cop III totally didn't fit with the first two. It's like they stopped giving a fuck when they made the third one.
    She truly is out of this world perfect!!!!!But than again, I absolutely worship perfect skinny Blondes with perfect fake boobs!
    A unique beauty she is....................
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