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  • While "Conus" has be stumped I understand what he saying and he has a somewhat valid point.
    The USA was never attacked in WW2,never bombed etc like UK and all of europe was.That meant we were able to use our vast industrial strength unhindered and really that made huge difference in outcome of war.In "world at war" the best documentary ever on WW2 (made by the brits btw and one you really should watch sometime,its out on DVD) an american historian talked about how ww2 was really a european civil war that none of the european countries emerged as the primary victors in.It was the USA that emerged as the sole undamaged country at the end of the war with relatively low casualties to boot compared to your country and especially the russians who lost like 20 million that dictated how everything would be for the most part after the war.
    Good its the kind of thing/debate people should be hooked on.It really is about how we as people are going to treat each other and what kind of societys we want.Democracy or any other kind of govt can not long survive is what I and others are really saying in countries that allow huge gaps in income equality.In other words get enough poor people and you will have a revolution and blood will flow.Thats the lesson of history and why the western countries including the US have always striven for the gap between the classes to not be allowed to grow too large.
    Thats an easy one lol.It's a dictatorship by one person or a group of people.It is the opposite of democracy where the masses get to vote and decide things.I would add that while one on its face seems better both have their drawbacks.Democracy means less oppurtunity for power to corrupt people and formore accountability from leaders but totalitarian govt's have the advantage of being able to do whatever they think is right without permission or debate among from the masses and sometimes the masses are wrong and need to be told what is best lol.Democracy is slower and less effeicent with all the debating and such but again totalitarian systems are much more ripe for abuse of power and corruption

    I have dipped a toe or two into the debate on socialism.That thread is really what I expected it to be.One side arguing for some balance between things like socialism and ruthless capitalism and the other side saying socialism means everybody earns the same and is poor lol.Hard to have intelligent debate with such.:eek:
    Oh I've been around. Posting like always. I often find myself at my friend's house, eating homecooked meals. Bless her heart she can cook WELL. Her family is pretty awesome, too. A shame when I come home and find myself alone again.
    In general you can go to the emergency room of the hospital and they will treat you(at least the public hospitals will).Those costs get passed on to the the insured (one of the reasons insurance costs so much here).Plus since people wait till there really sick to go to the emergency room that makes it much more expensive to treat then if they had gone earlier.people don't see doctors regular for early diagnosis etc so it ends up costing lot more in long run.
    But we also have problems with people with or without insurance being denied treatments due to some bean counter deciding "crap that costs how much" and saying no to the doctors and patients.You should really watch the Michale Moore movie "Sicko" which is all about it.
    Yeah something like that maybe more complex.Its more about whether or not their are some things both rich and poor can count on like health care,enough to eat ,place to live.
    Socialism doesn't mean there won't be rich getiing richer it just tries to insure that the top and bottom of those extremes(rich or poor) are not that far apart as they might be if no one did something to prevent that and to insure some basics for all.
    Thats a pretty deep subject to explain lol.It would be easier if we could verbally talk ,I wonder if yahoo messenger works internationally lol.
    But let me try this for now.lets take health care as an example.In england you have universal care and have for decades administered by the govt.Thats socialist.
    In the US we have most people covered by private insurance and some (like 40 million with me included with no coverage at all).Yet in the uS we spend double per person what you do on health care don't cover everyone and overall are not as well taken care of.Bad deal for us,but the private buisnesses running it have spent a lot to convince the ones now covered that they would just be paying for lazy peoples (blacks,minorities etc) health care if we went to a socilized system like you have.Thats really what it comes down to, we aren't more socialist in many ways because the rich interests who are making huge profits off the way it is now fight that every way possible.
    Boo who? :tongue:

    Seriously don't sneak upon me like that. I am old :sleep:and have a heart condition :lovecoupl (it comes out of my head when I am being friendly)
    I noticed earlier that I was not here to wish you a happy birthday, so I thought I would sneak back in wish you a belated happy birthday and shoot off once again.

    Hope you had a good one :hatsoff: speak soon :D
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