Thats a pretty deep subject to explain lol.It would be easier if we could verbally talk ,I wonder if yahoo messenger works internationally lol.
But let me try this for now.lets take health care as an example.In england you have universal care and have for decades administered by the govt.Thats socialist.
In the US we have most people covered by private insurance and some (like 40 million with me included with no coverage at all).Yet in the uS we spend double per person what you do on health care don't cover everyone and overall are not as well taken care of.Bad deal for us,but the private buisnesses running it have spent a lot to convince the ones now covered that they would just be paying for lazy peoples (blacks,minorities etc) health care if we went to a socilized system like you have.Thats really what it comes down to, we aren't more socialist in many ways because the rich interests who are making huge profits off the way it is now fight that every way possible.