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  • What's your view about sex between marriage couple and unmarried couple? Do they feel the same passion?
    You says that public nudity should be legal anywhere but there might be some objections from certain groups. So what about sex in public places? Do you feel that public sex should be legalized? I do believe that many couple would love to have sex in parks or beaches.
    Oh Okay. You are not a member of any social net and you like free ones very much. So have you ever been suspended or banned from free ones like me who have been suspended for few times?
    You says that you are not a fan of Twitter. So do you have got any account or you're a member on any other social net like facebook or myspace?
    But some people or organizations do feel public nudity or showing our body does gives some kind of frustration to them like they would say its against the religion or not suitable for people under 18 and it would create a hot topic or discussion in the senate or the government for allowing nude in public place. Do you feel that people start to have demonstration or riots if it becomes legal in US?
    Do you feel that public nudity should be made legal in US? Its because I do noticed that its legal in few countries in Europe.
    I was banned many times from free ones and I do have no idea why they do that to me. When I do say a bit of obscene words then they will suspend me. Do you have got any comments?
    Hi. Its me Sashe. You remember me? You have any account or are you a member of formspring. What's your twitter's account name?
    Sorry to hear that. I know I can get really cranky if I don't have any "playtime" for myself. Hope you can get off today.
    Doing great, had a fun saturday night if you know what I mean? lol Thanks for sking how bout you?
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