Mandy Flores
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  • Just a short message to say how much I adore your Halloween Costume Pagent Mandy -wwooofff Each outfit as you channel each saucy alterego , absolutely ravvviiissshhhing. Wonder Woman SuperGirl She Hulk , Vampire Mandy , Dark Mandy in Vampiric dark fishnet oooo yeeaahhh, Star Wars should contact you to play an Intergalactic Princess because you super sizzzleee in that gold bikini Mandy. Wishing you a very happy Halloween Mandy
    Just had to drop by to wink to Mandy Flores hhhhaaa. Because she is a friend and a veryy sexy friend at that . Have a great weekend Mandy
    c_a_worshipper captured what I was thinking -winks. So I type "Onward and Upward Mandy as you and your husband embark on your marriage. Love Happiness and Best Wishes Always"
    No superbabe , you know I can not leave out Naughty thoughts and kinky adventures. Thumbs up from me Mandy
    Lots of love sweet Mandy, for the both of you! May you have the best in love and life yet too come!

    Always a pleasure to be enticed by you Mandy (hhhhhhmmmmm with gentle hug) . You had me hooked from day 1 and I am not the only one-winks. Many thanks for the reputation comment Mandy
    Hhhmmm Mandy , sorry temptress I can not remember why I left you this message hhhaa. You know I mean it with harmless affection
    Hi Mandy, just to let you know you've been nominated for OCSM of the Week, I hope you get this in time. :)
    Thank you for the rep my dear Mandy. Came just rolling out of my "pen" that easily, so straight from the heart too lol!

    Hahahaha, scared him..... sure, but I am pretty certain he welcomed it. After all, a little fear to overcome makes us only stronger. So dont "scare" him too much, he might rebel in time lol....
    Wishing You & Yours A Happy Easter!!

    May The Easter Bunny Bring You Lots Of Cute Flowers, Gobs Of Chocolate, Lots & Lots Of Jelly Beans, And A Crock Of Pickled Eggs!!:lovebunny:
    Thanks for the rep, gorgeous. :) I read an article with Vince Gilligan and he said they did episodes like that to cut costs so that they had the budget for a big production later in the season. Should be a big pay off, if that's the case!
    Thanks for the rep Mandy. Hope you enjoyed my pic of the bulge you gave me lol. There's more where that came from. ��
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