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  • Yeah me either, but I'm still going to totally blame the fuck out of you for this if its bad and spam you with porn and hate mail!! :mad::mad: :cussing::cussing: JK! :iloveyou:
    Thanks you sick bastard! YIKES!! So I downloaded it... LOL idk if i want to watch it or not... Kinda a queasy stomach... I'll make it a "middle of the day" movie. That always helps
    Lol nah I pretty much keep Redbull well funded all by myself lol. Yeah, the baseball game is fucking mean. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally NOT a baseball idiot and don't regularly follow sports, but 300 or so games that are like 30 minutes, it gets stupid. But I refuse to sim the games (that would fuck my amazing stats up, lol), and I'm determined to play at least one whole season.
    OH! Lol ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm732 for a baseball game................................ lol and like 326 for FF12. like 250-300 is my average time invested in most games. Even Need For Speed Shift took me like 240something.... Idk I go for full 100%'s in everything. I'm like 6 away from all 72 achievements in Fallout 3 lol :dunno::dunno:
    Oh yeah nvmd then, LMAO! I was about to rattle off some super japanese games, but they're all like 200-300 hrs of game play lol I don't want to turn you into a zombie!
    I never could get into Dragon Ball Z, however the controls in that one looked really fluid! Sticky/slow/poorly responsive fighting games piss me off. Yakuza is the shit, if you haven't played them... Def one of my fave games ever!
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