Bonezstorm Jul 25, 2011 Fuck logic. You can't explain that. Not sure if girls still watch these movies, only together with her bfs.
Fuck logic. You can't explain that. Not sure if girls still watch these movies, only together with her bfs.
Bonezstorm Jul 25, 2011 That's Hawkeye Don't know him either. I am not THAT Marvel nerd. I still have to see the Thor movie
That's Hawkeye Don't know him either. I am not THAT Marvel nerd. I still have to see the Thor movie
Bonezstorm Jul 25, 2011 How did that happen? Did he get you in the last second? They released the final piece of the Incredible Hulk today
How did that happen? Did he get you in the last second? They released the final piece of the Incredible Hulk today
Bonezstorm Jul 24, 2011 Not until Part 4. Then they improved him. Not pretty sure about the gameplay in Rising.
Facetious Jul 22, 2011 Actually, I grew up riding dirt bikes (both pedal and motor/chain drive variants) and skateboards.... and then there were girls! :nanner:
Actually, I grew up riding dirt bikes (both pedal and motor/chain drive variants) and skateboards.... and then there were girls! :nanner:
Patrick_S Jul 22, 2011 Jag har aldrig gått någon kurs eller utbildning. Det mesta har jag lärt mig av andra som sysslar med detta, framför allt medlemmarna på Buffyforums.
Jag har aldrig gått någon kurs eller utbildning. Det mesta har jag lärt mig av andra som sysslar med detta, framför allt medlemmarna på Buffyforums.
Bonezstorm Jul 22, 2011 When I was younger, I thought I could plant the C3s like this. I put on my bandana but realised that there is still a limit.
When I was younger, I thought I could plant the C3s like this. I put on my bandana but realised that there is still a limit.
Patrick_S Jul 21, 2011 Tack, jag försöker så gott jag kan att göra saker som inte ser ut som typiska modell-wallpapers och ibland blir resultatet helt ok.
Tack, jag försöker så gott jag kan att göra saker som inte ser ut som typiska modell-wallpapers och ibland blir resultatet helt ok.
Bonezstorm Jul 21, 2011 Then I got a wrong picture. Must be more brighter in the night the more you get into the North of Scandinavia
Then I got a wrong picture. Must be more brighter in the night the more you get into the North of Scandinavia
Bonezstorm Jul 21, 2011 WTF are you doing all night? Hmm is it because it never gets dark in Sweden during the nights?