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  • I miss them too. Hopefully after the first things will be more sane again and I'll have some more time online.
    Would a Malamute suffice your needs? :D

    I just googed "Malamute" and all sorts of cute puppy pics came up... now you have me thinking about getting a dog. :o
    I guess because you've been around a while.
    good to see people like that as long as theyre no A-holes.
    and you aint..........As far as I can tell.
    youre one of the good ones.
    Just punch yourself in the nuts a few times. That'll do it. She will help:

    I wasn't big on them until I came across a song or two while watching some game vids and they really grew on me. Maybe it's the combination of watching the vid with their music. :dunno: But I've really gotten into them.

    How's things up there? .. You doing OK?
    :D Good to hear. It would be so dreary without music. .. You gotta eat sometime though. :D .. I've been listening to a lot of Korn and Breaking Benjamin lately.
    Hi again, L3ggy, I was distracted and didn't realize I sent you the former post... I had so much more to say!

    The economy is soooo tweaked right now, I've never felt so powerless in my life ... and for so long. I guess you could say that I'm paying my bills with the small jobs I'm having to hunt for these days, oh well, it sure beats being completely idled and not being able to pay my bills.

    I think I'll take a few self improvement type classes this fall semester in the evening at the local community college, what the hell, I haven't been back there since I completed my Associates degree years ago. ;)

    What about you, do you live within 'striking' (driving or mtn biking) distance of a local community college, or did you already finish up your general education studies and you're now on to bigger and better things?
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