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  • I forgot to tell you about my evening. It was great, Angelique (that's her name) made an Indonesian stir fry dinner with chicken. It was absolutely wonderful, she's a great cook :)
    After dinner we had coffee and we put on a great movie called Revolutionary Road. I snuggled up to her closely and before I went home we made out a bit :) Today we kept sending each other text messages and I told her I want to see her again this evening but she can't, she has a prior engagement :( but she coming over to my place tomorrow :)
    Thnx hill :) I'm going to take a shower and head over to her place for dinner.....wish me luck!
    I was wondering, as a young lady, if you noticed if VS discontinued making underwear with their signature rigged lining?
    It seems like its all just a straight band with the logo these days.
    I'm on the look out for VS photos now too, fun way to say I'm doing something other than wishing I had a steady right now. I tell myself that I'm not addicted but really, I'm here everyday. Damn you pretty girls!
    Thanks for friending me back!
    The search, she is endless.
    I found a lot of Casey's Cam in PINK but didn't manage to post them at the time and now have to go back and find them!
    Oh well!
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